Women and levels of discrimination in Spanish society

Source: CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media, of the UNED. . In some areas, it speaks of discrimination as something to overcome, but research with a gender perspective, provide data that indicate that much remains to achieve equality, especially in the field of reconciliation of family and work. The education is proposed […]

Neuroscience, neuroethics and bióetica

In this weblog we are interested in the neuroscience, we are interested to know their progress and what they can bring to the social sciences within a renewed naturalist program that provides older lights in the study of culture and human behavior. (See: Homo Suadens: a new paradigm bio-psycho-social for the social sciences). Although the […]

Neuroeducación. You can only learn that which you love

What is the NEUROEDUCACION? Can you talk about the NEUROEDUCADORES, a new profession? There are problems in the relationship neuroscientist-teacher (and beyond university professors), especially in the language used by the first to head to the seconds in the transfer of this knowledge. Until now, the knowledge extracted from the Neurosciences has not been easy […]

there is salt in the market (it’s Saturday)

Among the berbers of central and southern morocco has survived until the mid-TWENTIETH century this proverb to refer to the jews. The generosity of this popular berber is compounded if we consider the context; populations of semi-nomadic, lacking in natural resources, which have historically lived trade trans-saharan, whose currency of exchange secular has been the […]

Pardon my Spanglish ¡because!

By Gemma Torres . . Bill James is an american comedian who has discovered a gold mine for acting in spanglish. Also just released a book being a sales success with the hilarious title that heads this post, and in which one can find “Everything you ever wanted to know about Spanglish, but were afraid […]

Paul Ricoeur: Time, pain, justice

Of all the thinkers who belonged to the scene philosophical of the past century, perhaps beyond Paul Ricoeur, one of which, at all times, was more bound to its time, elapse between the shocks of recent history, with lucidity and with a prudence unworthy of a century in romance declared with the excess. The past […]

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