Social Research Teams

Return to the Main Directory Almanara Social Consultancy BiXiN [quantitative and qualitative Research] CIMOP – Communication, Image and Public Opinion Colectivo Ioé ERAPI Flups IC – Qualitative Research DELVES – co-operative Social Research Intersocial monoDestudio MyWord Eye Social . Return to the Main Directory

Market Studies, Marketing and Opinion

Return to the Main Directory AEDEMO – Spanish Association of Market Studies, Marketing and Opinion ANEIMO – National Association of Companies of Market Research and Public Opinion ESOMAR – European Society for Opinion and Market Research ————————————————— Analysis and Research, SL ZIES. Research and Consulting . Return to the Main Directory

Foundations sociological

Return to the Main Directory FOESSA – Promotion of Social Studies and Applied Sociology FUHEM – Education + Ecosocial FUNCAS – Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros Foundation May 1 – Union Centre of Studies Foundation Family Action Foundation Alternatives Biodiversity Foundation Foundation Meeting Foundation Environment European foundation Society and Education Fundación Esplai Gaspar Casal […]

Research Groups Social

Return to the Main Directory Bourdieu ~ Group of sociological studies CESC – Centre of Social Structures Compared CIVERSITY – Research Group Research committee on Economic Sociology – FES DELAH – Research Group for Demography, Longevity and Aging Healthy EDUCAMDES – research Group for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development EGECO research group, Employment, Gender and […]

Institutes and Centers of Social Studies

Return to the Main Directory CASUS – Center for Social Analysis CCHS – Center for Social and Human Sciences CEACS – Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences – Juan March Foundation Centre of Sociology and Public Policy, UPO Center Reina Sofia Adolescence and Youth CES – Economic and Social Council of Spain The […]

NGOS and the Third Sector

Return to the Main Directory Family action NGO AECC – Spanish Association Against Cancer Amnesty International ANESVAD ASITES – Phone of Hope Help in Action Cáritas Española The Spanish Red Cross Ecologists in Action FEAPS – Spanish Confederation of Organisations in favour of People with Intellectual Disabilities Fundación Intervida Fundación Secretariado Gitano The Vicente Ferrer […]

International Organizations

Return to the Main Directory UNHCR – UN Agency for Refugees The Portal of the European Union IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development WHO – World Health Organization UN – United Nations UNDP – United Nations Program for Development UNESCO – United Nations Organization for Education, […]

Journals of Sociology and Social Sciences

Return to the Main Directory Actions and Social Research – UZ ALMENARA – Revista Extremeña of Social Sciences AMBIGUOUS – Journal of Research on Gender and Cultural Studies – UPO ANDULI – Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Social BET – Journal of Social Sciences AREAS – International Journal of Social Sciences BARATARIA. Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias […]

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