A crossroads for the European Union

By Rafael Sunday | Student of Political Science at the UNED When Jean Monnet proposed, in 1950, an agreement (CECA) on the production and trade of coal and steel (basic raw materials for the war industry), it does so for a reason originally very human: to prevent violence and war, and return to ravage the […]

A critical view of liberalism

It is not smart to make responsible to a particular ideology of the period of current crisis, relying exclusively on perceptions or surface in sentimentality inoperative. I intend that the reader of these lines can make a reflection own on certain suggestions made from the field to a liberal, that beyond my own opinion, they […]

political Uses of the language. A speech paradoxical

To pretend that the analysis of public discourse can only be at the service of the dominated groups, and that their researchers are alienated necessarily with these or with the dissenters of the dominant groups, supposed to ignore the dimension applied in this discipline [the language] that explains, precisely, the existence of strategies of abuse […]

Truths and lies about climate change

Source: CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media, of the UNED. . In December 2009 we held the Climate Summit in Copenhagen, where the powers most important of the planet, gathered once again in order to re-reflect on the environmental issue. The UNED, as a center of knowledge, and from his professorial Chair […]

Video clips on Sociology in Educatina

Sociology Educatina is a library of videos free educational classified by subject matter. In the section of Sociology we can find up to now the following list of videos: Videos sociology Saint Simon Comte and positivism Marx: historical materialism Mode of production Structure and Superstructure The Build Originally Capital gain Durkheim and society The rules […]

XVIII Congress of Sociology in Castilla-La Mancha

The ACMS (Association of castilla-la Mancha of Sociology) has convened the XVIII National Congress of Sociology in Castilla-La Mancha, which will take place on 22, 23 and 24 November 2013 in Almagro (Ciudad Real) XVIII National Congress of Sociology in Castilla-La Mancha Almagro (Ciudad Real) 22, 23 and 24 of November 2013 Motto: “Social projects, […]

XVIII World Congress of Sociology

XVIII World Congress of Sociology International association of Sociology from 13 to 19 July, 2014 Yokohama, Japan. . The XVIII World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association will be held in 2014 in Yokohama, Japan, with the theme: “Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology” ( Facing an unequal world: challenges for […]

XXIX Latin american Congress of Sociology

CONGRESS WINGS CHILE “Crisis and Social Emergencies in Latin America” From September 29 to October 4, 2013 . The crisis is deeply rooted in our Latin american nations has shaken them all, but with a different strength, persistence and intensity, according to the particularities of their respective economic structures, social and political. Of the recurrent […]

XXVI International Seminar on Ibero-american Association of Sociology of Organizations and Communication (AISOC)

MORE THAN 160 LATIN AMERICAN PROFESSIONALS FROM THE AREAS OF SOCIOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION WILL GIVE APPOINTMENT IN MADRID Madrid will host the days 8 and 9 of July to more than 160 professionals and researchers from Latin america in the areas of Sociology and Communication in elXXVI International Seminar AISOC, entitled “Organizations in times of […]

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