The influence of mood on moral judgment

Imagine the reader that is located on a bridge, on a few tracks. In the distance, you notice that it is approaching at full speed and without control of a cart with five people inside. On the bridge, next to the reader, there is also a big person that observes how about the station wagon. […]

The blog is reactivated

Personal issues several have occupied the time that was available to update this blog. However, since today Psychology information started to train again your activity, to continue providing you with news and items that may be of interest to you.And it does so with two innovations. The first is obvious: a change of WordPress template. […]

Disinformation: how it originates and how to combat it

We live inundated with information, “infoxicados” say many. What is certain is that this abundance of information increases our chances to obtain knowledge… but also to consume information that are incorrect. And the consumption of incorrect information is a major problem, since they are not at all easy to correct once this is understood. There […]

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