Because it is better to start writing the ideas, which tend to disappear with the old age that always comes. Then. 1. Introduction. A historical approach: consumption as material life. The evolution of the standard of life (or why it is not useful to forget that the consumption is going to be significant and cultural, […]
military organizations
For a sociologist (which is way more impersonal to say ‘for me’) there are two features that should prove to be interesting on the military organizations: First, they are the only organizations designed, conceived and structured to survive -and to continue to operate without problems – with continuous ‘reductions’ and ‘rotations’ of staff (The use […]
On a discussion about funding in Chilesoc
A purpose of some opinions of Tironi
the society as a coercion, or a return of Durkheim
new technologies: A leap into the future
Well, as the last human development report already came out, I already have a copy (thanks Rodrigo), tap the time to comment. And (sorry Rodrigo), but it seems to me that not turn out so well. Three, I believe, are the main problems: The demand for regulation. The problem is that, in truth, there is […]
A purpose of a citation from Luhmann
Sometimes, you make mistakes blatant. One of them I made today while reading a text by Luhmann (‘The modernity of Modern Society’, in ‘Observations on Modernity’). And then appears the following quote (in note at foot of page) ‘As Giddens rejects an explanation of ‘functional differentiation’, links the concept of society to the level of […]
More wonders of Google
If the right continues, not going to ever win a choice
Is the quote important? ‘Where are they going to get the almost 4% of the votes that they need to reach the Government? -Baldo Prokurica (RN): “The opposition has been, already on two occasions, very close to being the government. This is an element that, despite being so obvious, it is for the public or […]
A purpose of the patronage
Last week I heard a comment the purpose of an initiative of a company in Mexico. Well, the boys -who are in the construction business – have developed a whole series of additional services (for example credit) for low-income groups, abandoned by the market. Now, it is not an initiative as such that I’m going […]