What year did the Israelites enter the Promised Land?

What year did the Israelites enter the Promised Land? During the transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age—probably about 1250 bce—the Israelites entered Canaan, settling at first in the hill country and in the south. How many years were the Israelites in Egypt? 430 years How old were the Israelites who entered […]

Should I oil my paintball gun?

Should I oil my paintball gun? Before gameplay, make sure to oil the front and rear bolt O-ring. Use oil specifically made for paintball guns only, because other types can damage the O-rings. Remember that less is more when it comes to oil. Too much oil will gather over time and cause delays in the […]

How do butterflies survive?

How do butterflies survive? Butterflies may survive cold weather by hibernating in protected locations. They may use the peeling bark of trees, perennial plants, logs or old fences as their overwintering sites. They may hibernate at any stage (egg, larval, pupal or adult) but generally each species is dormant in only one stage. Do butterflies […]

Can horses eat rye seed?

Can horses eat rye seed? Annual ryegrass is a good option for horse owners looking to extend the grazing season or when in need of emergency forage during the summer and fall seasons. The annual grasses in our study would meet the crude protein and digestible energy requirements of many classes of adult horse. Will […]

Can a balloon leave the atmosphere?

Can a balloon leave the atmosphere? A helium-filled balloon can float very high up into the atmosphere, however, it cannot float up into outer space. The air in Earth’s atmosphere gets thinner the higher up you go. This happens at about a height of 20 miles (32 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. What happens when you […]

What is the orange wire on a car stereo?

What is the orange wire on a car stereo? The normal use of orange and orange/white wires is orange is for variable voltage to control display illumination dimming (i.e. the head unit display dims along with the other dash lights) while orange/white is a simple on/off signal of whether the dash lights are on (the […]

How did the Tibet genocide end?

How did the Tibet genocide end? The current Dalai Lama (the 14th) was only 24 years old when this all came to an end in 1959. The Communist Chinese invasion in 1950 led to years of turmoil, that culminated in the complete overthrow of the Tibetan Government and the self-imposed exile of the Dalai Lama […]

Is slavery still legal in Nebraska?

Is slavery still legal in Nebraska? Slavery prohibited. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in this state. When did slavery end in Russia? Slavery, by contrast, was an ancient institution in Russia and effectively was abolished in the 1720s. Serfdom, which began in 1450, evolved into near-slavery in the eighteenth century and was […]

Who is considered a daughter-in-law?

Who is considered a daughter-in-law? Someone’s daughter-in-law is the wife of their son. Why do they say daughter-in-law? Plural of daughter is daughters. When we get a daughter by the law of marriage we call her daughter- in – law. When they are many we call them daughters – in – law. What is the […]

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