Which crop is grown most in Kerala?

Which crop is grown most in Kerala? Agriculture Map of Kerala The most essential or the staple crop is the rice or paddy. About 600 varieties of rice are grown in the sprawling paddy fields of Kerala. In fact the Kuttinad region of the district of Kerala is known as the ‘rice bowl of the […]

Do you have to have a prescription for Armour thyroid?

Do you have to have a prescription for Armour thyroid? Armour Thyroid is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of low thyroid hormone (Hypothyroidism). Armour Thyroid may be used alone or with other medications. Can you buy desiccated thyroid over the counter? Additionally, says Pritts, “there are some thyroid hormone products, such as […]

What is cocoa classified?

What is cocoa classified? Cacao (or cocoa) beans are technically not beans or legumes, but rather the seeds of the fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree. The pod shaped fruit is botanically classified as baccate-like (berry-like) and each pod produces approximately 35-50 seeds surrounded by a sweet pulp [2]. Is chocolate a herb or spice? […]

Do they sell hummus at Walmart?

Do they sell hummus at Walmart? You can buy boxed hummus mixes, small-batch hummus, hummus dips and more. Walmart – There are plenty of options at Walmart, like various flavors of Sabra hummus and Marketside hummus. You can get up the usual suspects for brands as well as fresh-made hummus at the deli. Can you […]

Which comedy is known as the comedy of manners?

Which comedy is known as the comedy of manners? The term comedy of menace, which British drama critic Irving Wardle based on the subtitle of The Lunatic View: A Comedy of Menace (1958), by David Campton, is a jocular play-on-words derived from the “comedy of manners” (menace being manners pronounced with a somewhat Judeo-English accent). […]

Why are non human animals used in psychological research?

Why are non human animals used in psychological research? Part of the justification for why nonhuman animals are studied in psychology has to do with the fact of evolution. Humans share common ancestry with the species most commonly studied in psychology: mice, rats, monkeys. We can also ask and answer certain questions that would be […]

Where does Icelandic moss grow?

Where does Icelandic moss grow? Iceland moss grows in alpine areas of the Northern Hemisphere and on the lava slopes and plains of Iceland, whence it received its name. It is an important food for reindeer, caribou, musk-oxen, and moose. Why is there so much moss in Iceland? Many years ago, a volcano erupted, spewing […]

What is a shrub with yellow flowers?

What is a shrub with yellow flowers? Forsythia. When forsythia blooms, it’s a signal that warm spring days can’t be far behind. This cheery yellow flowering shrub looks like spring sunshine, with blooms covering graceful bending branches. Bees and early spring butterflies flock to this nectar source. What flower bushes have thorns? Using Shrubs with […]

Is Daisy Edgar-Jones in a relationship?

Is Daisy Edgar-Jones in a relationship? The Normal People star, 22, is said to have called it quits with the actor, 29, late last year after they both decided it would be best to focus on their careers. Despite their break-up, Daisy and Tom are said to still be on good terms and there are […]

What is a good proxy?

What is a good proxy? In statistics, a proxy or proxy variable is a variable that is not in itself directly relevant, but that serves in place of an unobservable or immeasurable variable. In order for a variable to be a good proxy, it must have a close correlation, not necessarily linear, with the variable […]

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