What does utnapishtim teach Gilgamesh?

What does utnapishtim teach Gilgamesh? Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of the flood—how the gods met in council and decided to destroy humankind. When Gilgamesh insists that he be allowed to live forever, Utnapishtim gives him a test. If you think you can stay alive for eternity, he says, surely you can stay awake for […]

What is the most rare Webkinz?

What is the most rare Webkinz? The most expensive Webkinz sold on eBay so far is a retired Cheeky Dog Webkinz that sold for $1,799 on March 11, according to eBay. As of Friday, a seller started the bidding at $3,000 for a retired Cheeky Dog and Cat, while another asked for $2,195 for 23 […]

Who does Little Red Riding Hood want to visit?

Who does Little Red Riding Hood want to visit? grandmother How does the Little Red Riding Hood story go? The story revolves around a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. A Big Bad Wolf wants to eat the girl and the food in the basket. He secretly stalks her behind trees, bushes, shrubs, and patches […]

Who made the Margherita Pizza?

Who made the Margherita Pizza? chef Raffaele Esposito Where was the first Margherita pizza made? Naples Is Margherita Pizza Italian? Invented in the 1800s, pizza margherita showcases the colors of the Italian flag: red from the tomato sauce, white from the mozzarella, and green from the basil. Widespread belief is that the margherita is named […]

What percent of food packaging is plastic?

What percent of food packaging is plastic? EPA estimated 14.5 million tons of plastic containers and packaging were generated in 2018, approximately 5.0 percent of MSW generation. (Plastic packaging as a category in this analysis does not include single-service plates and cups, and trash bags, both of which are classified as nondurable goods). How much […]

When should I change my scooter brake pads?

When should I change my scooter brake pads? when the pad material is getting thin, it’s time to change the pads. This isn’t a great picture, but you can see on the right how much brake pad material is on a new pad and on the left one that needs to be replaced. If you […]

How do you cite a section of a chapter?

How do you cite a section of a chapter? Author Last Name, First Name (if available). “Title of the Chapter.” Encyclopedia Name, publisher, publication date, page number(s) OR DOI/permalink/URL (without http://). Access Date (supplemental). How do you cite a chapter in a book with a different author APA? Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. […]

Who was the first European explorer to map the Gulf?

Who was the first European explorer to map the Gulf? explorer Alonso Álvarez de Piñeda Which European explorer was the first to sail down the Mississippi River and reach the Gulf of Mexico? Hernando de Soto Which explorer was the first in Europe? The first European to discover America and remember was Christopher Columbus. As […]

What are the effects of vandalism?

What are the effects of vandalism? The effects of vandalism Vandalism can affect people’s quality of life because it damages or destroys things that they need or care about. It also: Makes people feel that their lives are less safe than they really are. Can be dangerous – people have died when acts of vandalism […]

Where is the kingpin located?

Where is the kingpin located? The kingpin, also king-pin and king pin, is the main pivot in the steering mechanism of a car or other vehicle. The term is also used to refer to part of a fifth wheel coupling apparatus. A kingpin is a heavy metal cylindrical pin that is located underneath the front […]

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