Who controls the means of production in capitalism? bourgeoisie Who controls the means of production? Namely there are two common ideas: Workers democratically operate and own the means of production, or the state operates and owns the means of production on behalf of the workers. Originally Answered: What do leftists mean when they say socialism […]
How do I update my Lotus Notes ID file?
How do I update my Lotus Notes ID file? Procedure On the primary data server, go to Administration > Configuration > Lotus Notes user administration. Click Upload a Lotus user ID file. In the dialog box that appears, click Browse, and go to a user ID file. Enter the password that unlocks the selected file. […]
How do you write a project proposal in social work?
How do you write a project proposal in social work? There are eight basic components to creating a solid proposal package: (1) the proposal summary; (2) introduction of organization; (3) the problem statement (or needs assessment); (4) project objectives; (5) project methods or design; (6) project evaluation; (7) future funding; and (8) the project budget. […]
Where was George Ferris born?
Where was George Ferris born? Galesburg, IL Did George Washington Gale Ferris Jr have children? Ferris died less than four years later. He was survived by his wife, Margaret Beatty of Canton, Ohio, who had left him a few months before he died, deeply depressed and almost bankrupt. George left no children. How old was […]
How are theatre and film similar?
How are theatre and film similar? In many ways, the presentation of drama in theatre, film and television are much alike: Both offer a story told in dramatic form – an enactment of scenes by performers who speak and act as if they were actually the people they represent. What is the importance of theatre? […]
How do I copy and paste text from a PDF?
How do I copy and paste text from a PDF? Copy an entire PDF (Windows Reader application only, not browser) Open the PDF document in Reader. Choose Edit > Copy File to Clipboard. The content is copied to the clipboard. In an another application, choose Edit > Paste to paste the copied content. How can […]
What is a behavioral adaptation of a grasshopper?
What is a behavioral adaptation of a grasshopper? Grasshoppers adapt to their environment by special breathing holes and sprays that protect them against predators. Grasshoppers are also known to have sharp hearing to warn them of oncoming predators. They also jump high and far away from their enemies using their strong and long legs. What […]
Was Reuben Cogburn a real person?
Was Reuben Cogburn a real person? The real-life Franklin “Rooster” Cogburn was a cowboy, moonshiner, and outlaw in Arkansas and Oklahoma in the late 1800s; on the silver screen, John Wayne and Jeff Bridges played varyingly fictionalized versions of the hardscrabble frontiersman in the 1969 and 2010 film adaptations of Charles Portis’ novel True Grit. […]
What is the power output of a headphone jack?
What is the power output of a headphone jack? Most headphone amplifiers provide power between 10 mW and 2 W depending on the specific headphone being used and the design of the amplifier. Are headphone outputs line level? Aside from the output of a mic preamp, other examples of line level signals are the headphone […]
What was Samuel Gompers the leader of?
What was Samuel Gompers the leader of? the American Federation of Labor What was the significance of Samuel Gompers? The American labor leader Samuel Gompers was the most significant person in the history of the American labor movement (the effort of working people to improve their lives by forming organizations called unions). He founded and […]