Is double bass the same as electric bass?

Is double bass the same as electric bass? The stand-up double bass and the electric bass have the same strings (G D A E) and play in the same range. They play similar roles in rock, pop, and jazz combos, providing the plucked bass line supporting the other musicians. But they are not the same […]

What is the moral of Freedom Writers?

What is the moral of Freedom Writers? All in all, the “Freedom Writers” movies shows that a very good moral values like gaining knowledge about the truth, doing the right thing, and treat others with kindness and respect will help us to motivated ourself and make our community become stonger. Gruwell gained respect and trust […]

Do Johnny and Ava get together in Summerland?

Do Johnny and Ava get together in Summerland? Johnny Durant is Ava’s ex boyfriend who still remains her roommate until Season 2. He gets along tremendously with the kids and opens up his own restaurant. Despite hiding it, he is desperately still in love with Ava. He is portrayed by Shawn Christian. How many seasons […]

Can removing tonsils help with ear infections?

Can removing tonsils help with ear infections? A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy can help prevent frequent sore throats and ear infections. These procedures are not always performed at the same time. Only one may be needed, sometimes both. The tonsils are glands located in the back of the mouth on both sides of your throat. Do […]

When did omelets originate?

When did omelets originate? The French word omelette originated in mid-16th century, but according to Le Menagier De Paris the dish known as “alumelle” and “alumete” in 1393. Famous French Rennaisance writer Francois Rabelais in his work Gargantua and Pantagruel(1571) suggested that omelette was known as homelaicte d’oeufs then. Are omelettes English? Omelet is the […]

What country invented nachos?

What country invented nachos? Ballpark and Tex-Mex nachos are both ubiquitous in the United States. But the original version is deeply rooted in the borderlands and Mexican home cooking. Ignacio Anaya, a maître d’hôtel at a restaurant in Piedras Negras, in Coahuila, Mexico, created nachos in 1940. How nachos get its name? Ignacio was a […]

What Colours go with black hair?

What Colours go with black hair? Medium skin tones tend to look best with warm-toned copper and golden reds, and dark skin tones pair beautifully with blue-red shades like burgundy highlights on black hair. What goes well with black hair? Dark hair Black & white: Match the intensity of your strong, dark hair color with […]

What triggers Familial Mediterranean Fever?

What triggers Familial Mediterranean Fever? Familial Mediterranean fever is caused by a gene mutation that’s passed from parents to children. The gene mutation causes problems in regulating inflammation in the body. In people with familial Mediterranean fever, the mutation occurs in a gene called MEFV. How do you manage FMF? Initial treatment of FMF is […]

Who wrote the Florida State war chant?

Who wrote the Florida State war chant? Doug Alley What is Florida State University mascot? Osceola and Renegade What fruit is Florida known for? Oranges What is the easiest fruit to grow in Florida? Here are the most common fruit trees you can grow in Florida! Lemon. Lime. Avacado. Lychee. Papaya. Mango. Carambola (Starfruit) Other […]

Can glass be grinded down?

Can glass be grinded down? By grinding down the sharp and damaged edges of broken glass piece, you can develop it into something smooth, just right for handling or transform into an excellent piece of homemade art. Therefore, if you want to achieve sanding glass feel, you need the proper tools such as sandpaper, dremel, […]

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