What is King Highway?

What is King Highway? King’s Highway, also called Via Nova Traiana, ancient thoroughfare that connected Syria and the Gulf of Aqaba by way of what is now Jordan. The King’s Highway was also an important thoroughfare during the Crusades, and numerous fortified castles remain along its route. What was another name for the King’s Highway? […]

When and where was Giacometti born and died?

When and where was Giacometti born and died? Giacometti was one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century. His work was particularly influenced by artistic styles such as Cubism and Surrealism…. Alberto Giacometti Born 10 October 1901 Borgonovo, Stampa, Graubünden, Switzerland Died 11 January 1966 (aged 64) Chur, Graubünden, Switzerland Nationality Swiss When […]

Why does my check gauges light keep coming on?

Why does my check gauges light keep coming on? Usually when the Check Gauges light illuminates it is due to one of the gauges going out of range, such as your electrical system, low engine oil or other type of fluids being monitored through the gauges. What to do when your car says check gauges? […]

What is the meaning of context in language?

What is the meaning of context in language? In communication and composition, context refers to the words and sentences that surround any part of a discourse and that helps to determine its meaning. Sometimes called linguistic context. What is the context of language use? Linguistic context or verbal context refers to the linguistic environment in […]

How do you drain coolant from cooling system?

How do you drain coolant from cooling system? To flush with water and remove any leftover residue from the old coolant/antifreeze, top up the radiator with clean water using a hose, and replace the radiator cap. Then, start the engine and leave it running for 15 minutes. What happens if you dont flush coolant? If […]

What islands were used in Jurassic Park?

What islands were used in Jurassic Park? While the islands in the films are supposed to be located off the Pacific side of Costa Rica, filming actually took place on the Hawaiian islands of Kauai and Oahu. Yup, that means you can totally visit the islands with no actual threat of being eaten by dinosaurs! […]

Are all hepatitis the same?

Are all hepatitis the same? Different strains of hepatitis exist, including hepatitis A, B, C, and D. The most common types of hepatitis are A, B, and C. Hepatitis A is usually a short-term infection while hepatitis B and C can cause long-term, or chronic, infections. A person can have both hepatitis B and hepatitis […]

What city is the Belmont Stakes in?

What city is the Belmont Stakes in? New York City Is Belmont Park in Queens or Long Island? The venue is located in Elmont, in Nassau County—not Belmont, in Queens. But it’s just a short trip to New York City by car or public transit. What 3 races make up the Triple Crown and where […]

What are the three divisions of forensic ballistics?

What are the three divisions of forensic ballistics? INTERIOR OR INTERNAL BALLISTICS. o treats of the motion of the projectile while it is still inside the firearm which extends from the breach to the muzzle. EXTERIOR OR EXTERNAL BALLISTICS. TERMINAL BALLISTICS. FORENSIC BALLISTICS. What are the division of Forensic ballistics? DIVISION OF FORENSIC BALLISTICS: a. […]

Is acetaminophen considered an Nsaid?

Is acetaminophen considered an Nsaid? Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is known as a non-aspirin pain reliever. It is NOT an NSAID, which is described below. Acetaminophen relieves fever and headaches, and other common aches and pains. Are salicylates and NSAIDs the same? Aspirin and the other salicylates belong to a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs […]

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