Is dry milk the same as regular milk?

Is dry milk the same as regular milk? Powdered milk is made from dehydrated, pasteurised milk, whereas fresh milk is liquidised. It is a manufactured dairy product made by evaporating milk to dryness, which helps preserve it. This means that powdered milk often has a longer shelf life as it does not need to be […]

What do you say to a horse to make it go faster?

What do you say to a horse to make it go faster? Once of the most simple and effective ways to get your horse to run faster is to command her. Although horses won’t understand words in the same way a human does, they do understand simple commands such as “trot” or “gallop” and even […]

Is it bad to eat hummus everyday?

Is it bad to eat hummus everyday? This isn’t a lot, but it still counts toward daily calorie intake, and eating more than a serving per day can add up. One cup of hummus also has around 15 grams of fiber, which is 59 percent of the recommended daily consumption. Too much hummus and stomach […]

What is a good substitute for flour?

What is a good substitute for flour? Four All-Purpose Flour Alternatives Chickpea Flour. Relatively new to American households, chickpea flour (also called garbanzo bean flour or besan in Indian kitchens) is arguably one of my favorite ingredients. Rice Flour. Almond Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Buckwheat Flour Flapjacks. What is the best alternative to white flour? How […]

What is the difference between Internet and mass media?

What is the difference between Internet and mass media? Users of Web sites respond better to information and product offerings that are tailored to their specific needs. The Internet is a medium that allows users to decide what information to access and when to access it. Mass media is mostly passive. How is online advertising […]

Does Page Plus activate 3G phones?

Does Page Plus activate 3G phones? Yes. With the exception of our Pay As You Go standard plans, which are 3G only, all of our monthly plans are “mirrored” for 3G and 4G. When you activate a device, our system will determine if your device is 3G or 4G, and activate it onto the appropriate […]

Why is Krystal not in Star Fox zero?

Why is Krystal not in Star Fox zero? PlatinumGames’ Yusuke Hashimoto confirmed on Twitter that Krystal will not be appearing in Star Fox Zero. He said: “She won’t show up this time, but I’d love to put her in a sequel if we’d get to make one!” Unlike Adventures, Zero is more of a traditional […]

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