Who invented antipasto?

Who invented antipasto? Italy Where does the term antipasto come from? Antipasto in Italy Literally, the word “antipasto” is derived from the Latin root “anti” meaning “before” and “pastus,” which means “meal.” Thus, the antipasto course simply refers to the dish that precedes all others. What is the difference between antipasti and antipasto? Technically both […]

What country was Montezuma from?

What country was Montezuma from? Montezuma II, also spelled Moctezuma, (born 1466—died c. June 30, 1520, Tenochtitlán, within modern Mexico City), ninth Aztec emperor of Mexico, famous for his dramatic confrontation with the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés. Where are the Aztecs from originally? northern Mexico What did Montezuma do when the Spanish came? Moctezuma brought […]

How thick is the average interior wall?

How thick is the average interior wall? 4 1/2 inches How thick are interior and exterior walls? Interior walls are usually about 4 1/2 inches thick and exterior walls around 6 1/2 inches. If you’re about to draw floor plans for an existing home measure the thickness of the walls at the doors and/or windows. […]

How do you remove a Ford mirror light?

How do you remove a Ford mirror light? Step 2: When you locate the white tab, use your fingers or a screwdriver to push the tab in to release the OEM side mirror reflector. Step 3: Carefully twist and pull to remove the OEM side mirror marker light housing. Place the side mirror lamp off […]

What is the origin of geese?

What is the origin of geese? It is generally accepted that geese, which are of the Family Anatidae and the Genus Anser, were one of the first animals to be domesticated. Their domestication probably took place in Egypt about 3 000 years ago, although some research suggests that it may have been even earlier. How […]

What were snares originally made of?

What were snares originally made of? calfskin How is the sound produced on a snare drum? Snare drum, also called side drum, military and orchestral percussion instrument having several gut, nylon, wire, or wire-covered silk strings (snares) stretched across the lower, or snare, head; the snares vibrate sympathetically with the lower head (to which vibration […]

Did Saddam use mustard gas?

Did Saddam use mustard gas? President Saddam Hussein (1937–2006) pursued the most extensive chemical program during the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988), when he waged chemical warfare against his foe….Use in the Iran–Iraq War, 1983–1988. Date 1988, March Event Halabja chemical attack Location Halabjah, Iraq Type mustard and nerve agent How did Isis rise to power? ISIL […]

Why is Coronado considered an island?

Why is Coronado considered an island? The map of San Diego Bay is full of lies. Sediment from the San Diego and Tijuana rivers gradually built up and connected them to the mainland. A shallow channel called the Spanish Bight separated North Island from Coronado at high tide until World War II, when the Navy […]

How does Meg March change throughout the book?

How does Meg March change throughout the book? Another character Meg, who is the oldest sister among the four has also changed in the novel. She used to love wealth, luxury and always wanted things that other people had. Throughout the book she slowly begins to overcome the greed of these things. Why did Meg […]

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