How fast is 10hp boat motor? You still won’t be breaking any speed records but a 10hp outboard on the back of a 3m tender feels pretty lively at 15 knots, and with two cylinders rather than one it will be a whole lot smoother too. Why Yamaha R3 is costly? Despite being a fantastic […]
Can females grow mustaches?
Can females grow mustaches? Dear Dr. Women make male hormones, and men make female hormones. Excessive male-hormone production in females causes hair growth above the upper lip and sometimes on the chin, chest, upper thighs, abdomen and back. Why does my 14 year old daughter have a mustache? The excessive hair growth in young teens […]
What happens to water droplets that become too heavy to remain in the sky?
What happens to water droplets that become too heavy to remain in the sky? The water droplets that form make up clouds. If the temperature is cold enough, ice crystals form instead of liquid water droplets. If the droplets or ice crystals within clouds grow in size, they eventually become too heavy to stay in […]
Can I get a loan without my spouse?
Can I get a loan without my spouse? You can apply for a loan in your own name after you’ve married without involving your spouse at all. There is no legal requirement for married couples to apply for financial products together. The spouse with the better score should apply for financing on her own in […]
When was Dewey system invented?
When was Dewey system invented? 1873 Who invented Dewey Decimal? Melvil Dewey How did the Dewey decimal system become established? In 1876 he published A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library, in which he outlined what became known as the Dewey Decimal Classification. This system was […]
What is digital broadcasting on TV?
What is digital broadcasting on TV? Digital broadcasting is the practice of using digital signals rather than analogue signals for broadcasting over radio frequency bands. Digital television broadcasting (especially satellite television) is widespread. Content providers can provide more services or a higher-quality signal than was previously available. What is the future of video streaming industry? […]
How do you administer a Neurobion injection?
How do you administer a Neurobion injection? Neurobion is administered by intramuscular injection. In severe cases 1 ampoule daily is given until the acute symp- toms subside. For follow-up therapy 2-3 ampoules are given per week. In milder conditions this dosage is sufficient from the beginning. How do you administer vitamin B complex IV? The […]
Can you use minced garlic for roasted garlic?
How do you track sales?
What is the main idea of the small world hypothesis?
What is the main idea of the small world hypothesis? The intuitive notion that every person has some indirect connection through a small set of intermediaries to every other person is referred to as the small-world phenomenon. What is the small world effect? The “small-world effect” is the observation that one can find a short […]