Does a dismissed Chapter 13 stay on your credit report?

Does a dismissed Chapter 13 stay on your credit report? But because a discharged Chapter 13 stays on your credit report for 7 years and dismissed Chapter 13 stays on your credit report for 10 years I suggest several strategies: Shore up your credit profile with a current positive payment history with the creditors you […]

Where is the radiator drain plug located?

Where is the radiator drain plug located? It should be at the bottom of the radiator. Feel around with your hands and use a flashlight to match the drain plug with the drawing in the service manual. How do you drain water and put antifreeze in? STEP 1 – Safety first. STEP 2 – Press […]

How many points do IDP players get?

How many points do IDP players get? A typical IDP scoring system looks something like this: 6 points for any TD (this includes offense, defense or special teams), 3 points for any turnover (fumble recovery or interception), 2 points for each tackle, 1 point for each assisted tackle, 3 points for each sack and 5 […]

Why did Lisa leave QVC?

Why did Lisa leave QVC? ‘I need to be able to live without being afraid. ‘ The stalker’s issue got to the point that Lisa left QVC, admitting that the incident factored her decision of leaving the network. Moreover, she wanted to achieve more in her life than just spending 20 hours doing the same […]

What is the spark plug gap on a 4.6 Ford?

What is the spark plug gap on a 4.6 Ford? The proper gap for spark plugs is always listed on the underhood emissions label. The gap for 2v 4.6L and 5.4L engines is . 054 to . 056 inches. What is the spark plug gap for a 300 6 cylinder? The Ford 300 uses Autolite […]

How do bank owned foreclosures work?

How do bank owned foreclosures work? A bank-owned or real estate owned (REO) property is one that has reverted to the mortgage lender after the home fails to sell in a foreclosure auction. Once the bank owns the property, it will handle eviction (if necessary), pay off tax liens and may do some repairs. What […]

Who is Calypso?

Who is Calypso? Calypso, in Greek mythology, the daughter of the Titan Atlas (or Oceanus or Nereus), a nymph of the mythical island of Ogygia. In Homer’s Odyssey, Book V (also Books I and VII), she entertained the Greek hero Odysseus for seven years, but she could not overcome his longing for home even by […]

What time period is Ella Enchanted based in?

What time period is Ella Enchanted based in? medieval times What happens at the end of Ella Enchanted? Ella breaks the curse by realizing her love for Char and her own will is greater than the curse. Edgar sends her to jail for the attempted murder of Char. But, Slannen and his elf friends break […]

How many Canadian citizen live in Hong Kong?

How many Canadian citizen live in Hong Kong? 300,000 Canadian citizens How many Canadian expats are in Hong Kong? The government of Hong Kong does not recognise dual nationals originally from Hong Kong as Canadian citizens, so that government circa 2014 counted about 16,000 Canadians in Hong Kong, while the Consulate-General of Canada in Hong […]

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