What was the goal of the Roosevelt Corollary?

What was the goal of the Roosevelt Corollary? The Roosevelt Corollary of December 1904 stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, and did not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to […]

What cuisine comes under Continental?

What cuisine comes under Continental? Continental food refers to dishes made and consumed in the European countries. Dishes of French, Spanish and Italian cuisine fall under the category of ‘Continental food’. Why is it called Continental cuisine? Continental food is referred to the food eaten in European countries. One theory suggests that it is food […]

What are examples of grains?

What are examples of grains? Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits, and tortillas are examples of grain products. Is Oats considered a grain? Oats, formally named Avena sativa, is a type of cereal grain from the Poaceae grass family […]

How do you change a windshield wiper motor?

How do you change a windshield wiper motor? How to Replace a Windshield Wiper Motor? Remove the wiper blades using a windshield wiper removal tool. Locate the windshield wiper motor. Remove clips/ screws that are holding the cowl in place. Unplug and unbolt the old motor. Remove the old motor from the vehicle. Where is […]

What are the Dutch Virgin Islands?

What are the Dutch Virgin Islands? The Dutch Virgin Islands is the collective name for the enclaves that the Dutch West India Company had in the Virgin Islands. It was a Dutch privateer named Joost van Dyk who organised the first permanent settlements in the territory in Soper’s Hole, on the west end of Tortola. […]

Is UTSA better than UTEP?

Is UTSA better than UTEP? UTEP has more expensive tuition & fees ($24,516) than UTSA ($20,572). UTSA has a higher submitted SAT score (1,035) than UTEP (1,035). UTSA has more students with 32,264 students while UTEP has 25,151 students. UTSA has more full-time faculties with 941 faculties while UTEP has 780 full-time faculties. Is UTSA […]

What caste does Jaiswal belong to?

What caste does Jaiswal belong to? Jaiswal is a surname used by many Hindu communities including Kalwars, Jains and Rajputs. Jaiswals are mainly traders and deal in various commodities. In past, they excelled in the art of Liquor making and were classified as Somavamshiya Sahatrarjun Kshatriya. Is Jaiswal a baniya? When he came to know […]

What are Dholes prey?

What are Dholes prey? Dholes prey on hoofed mammals—in India, they eat deer, wild pigs, buffalo, and wild goats. In Southeast Asia, dholes feed on deer, gaur, and banteng, and in Siberia, they eat deer, wild sheep, and reindeer. Dholes also eat berries, bugs, lizards, and rabbits and can hunt well on their own if […]

Does EA own cod?

Does EA own cod? Call of Duty is one of the most successful video game franchises of all-time, and it has made billions of dollars for its publisher Activision. But it’s another publisher, Electronic Arts, that unknowingly helped bring it to life. Why is EA hated? 1: EA is too greedy. The single-player campaign is […]

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