What is colonoscopy done for?

What is colonoscopy done for? A colonoscopy (koe-lun-OS-kuh-pee) is an exam used to detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. During a colonoscopy, a long, flexible tube (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum. A tiny video camera at the tip of the tube allows the doctor to view the inside of […]

What can I do with jackfruit seeds?

What can I do with jackfruit seeds? Boiled, and boiled plus fried. These are used commonly to top salads, eaten as is for snack, made into jackfruit seed hummus, dried and then ground into a flour and used in baking. So many great uses for jackfruit seeds. Again, don’t throw them away, when you can […]

Is an addendum the same as an appendix?

Is an addendum the same as an appendix? An appendix supplements the body of a document, providing detailed information that not everyone will want to read. Appendices are often statistical, historical or technical. An addendum is extra information that the writer discovered after writing the report, such as a new study on the topic. Does […]

Who invented the pie?

Who invented the pie? The Ancient Egyptians created the first example of what we know as pies today. Later on, closer to the 5th Century BC, the Ancient Greeks were believed to invent pie pastry as it is mentioned in the plays of the writer Aristophanes and it was possible to work as a pastry […]

Should I worry about hypothyroidism?

Should I worry about hypothyroidism? The symptoms of hypothyroidism can take a mental toll if left untreated. Mild hypothyroidism can cause mild forms of depression. But without treatment, the symptoms of hypothyroidism will increase. This can directly affect your mental state, and your depression may intensify as a result. Does hypothyroidism need to be treated? […]

Which vehicles can be towed behind a motorhome?

Which vehicles can be towed behind a motorhome? Best Cars to Tow Behind an RV: Everything You Need to Know Things to Know about Towing a Vehicle. Jeep Wrangler. Ford F-150. Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon. Ram 1500. Chevrolet Spark. What automatics can be flat towed? Chevrolet Malibu: Automatic Transmission, but Ready to Tow and […]

What jobs do u not need GCSEs for?

What jobs do u not need GCSEs for? 23 High Paying Jobs You Can Do Without Any GCSEs! Retail Worker. Retail work is a great way to develop your CV and working skills. Fast Food Server. Fast food is the staple job of any person. Police Force. Construction Worker. Charity Worker. Sales Executive. Firefighter. Train […]

What could you buy for a nickel?

What could you buy for a nickel? Hot dogs, ready to eat, could be bought for a nickel as well. You could stop in at the Walgreen’s drug store and buy an ice cream cone for a nickel. (That was when they had a soda fountain, and you could buy a Scarlet Nectar fountain drink […]

Is there gluten in sausages?

Is there gluten in sausages? Processed lunch meats and deli meats like cold cuts, hot dogs, salami and sausage may contain gluten. Other foods like self-basting poultry or seasoned turkey breast may also contain gluten. Is Johnson’s Italian sausage gluten-free? Most Johnsonville Sausages and Johnsonville products are gluten-free. Most notably, the Johnsonville sausages that are […]

Why was Ovid sent into exile?

Why was Ovid sent into exile? The reasons for his banishment are uncertain. Ovid wrote that the cause of his exile was carmen et error: “a poem and an error,” probably the Ars Amatoria and a personal indiscretion or mistake. The council of the city of Rome revoked his exile in December 2017, so he […]

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