How long does a mollusk live?

How long does a mollusk live? Squids generally live about a year, and octopi and cuttles live from 1-4 years, depending on the species. The nautili (plural for “nautilus”), which are the only cephalopods that have an external shell, are also the longest-lived; biologists estimate that they can live up to 20 years. What are […]

What backpack was used in the Book of Eli?

What backpack was used in the Book of Eli? This backpack, iPod, and switchblade were used by the character “Eli,” portrayed by actor Denzel Washington, in the 2010 motion picture, “The Book of Eli.” The Oakley brand backpack is a heavily distressed with leather ties and the bottom stitched on. Is Eli actually blind? Taken […]

What country has the highest IQ?

What country has the highest IQ? Ranked: The 25 Smartest Countries In The World Ranking Country Average IQ 1 Singapore 107.1 2 China 105.8 3 Hong Kong 105.7 4 South Korea 104.6 What is the country with the lowest IQ? Equatorial Guinea Which country is the smartest 2021? Top 20 smartest countries in the world […]

How do I download an eBook to my phone?

How do I download an eBook to my phone? Download & read books on your device Make sure your Android phone or tablet is connected to Wi-Fi. Open the Google Play Books app . Tap the book you want to download. You can also tap More. Download to save the book for offline reading. Once […]

What does the Porsche symbol represent?

What does the Porsche symbol represent? Porsche Logo Meaning The Porsche symbol pays homage to Stuttgart, where Porsche’s headquarters are located. Württemberg’s old coat of arms is the Porsche logo’s origins and a part of Germany’s history. Today, the Porsche logo is a symbol of wealth, status and car performance. What is the Porsche logo […]

What are advantages and disadvantages of food preservation?

What are advantages and disadvantages of food preservation? Most people believe that fresh foods taste better than preserved food. Another disadvantage of food preservation is that it can cause food poisoning that can be fatal (especially in high-risk foods like milk) when not properly done or monitored. Food spoilage can also occur during preservation. What […]

What is the smallest SLR camera?

What is the smallest SLR camera? Meet the Canon EOS Rebel SL1: The World’s Smallest And Lightest DSLR Camera Advanced Image Quality in a Compact Body. As the world’s smallest and lightest DSLR, the new camera body is 4.6″ (w) x 3.57″ (h) x 2.74″ (d), and weighs only 14.36 oz. Creativity at your Fingertips. […]

Will Donkey Kong Country Returns come to switch?

Will Donkey Kong Country Returns come to switch? If you’ve been waiting until you could play all three SNES Donkey Kong Country games before picking up a Switch, you’re in luck. Nintendo has announced that the third game in the series, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble, will be added to the Nintendo […]

What is the meaning of coagulate in English?

What is the meaning of coagulate in English? 1 : to cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass : curdle, clot. 2 : to gather together or form into a mass or group. intransitive verb. : to become coagulated. coagulate. What is the description of coagulate? The definition of coagulate means for […]

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