How does a company get money from shareholders?

How does a company get money from shareholders? There are two ways to make money from owning shares of stock: dividends and capital appreciation. Dividends are cash distributions of company profits. Capital appreciation is the increase in the share price itself. If you sell a share to someone for $10, and the stock is later […]

What are two red dwarf stars?

What are two red dwarf stars? List of nearest red dwarfs Star Notes 1 Proxima Centauri Part of the α Cen trinary system, the closest neighbouring star system. It is also the nearest neighbouring star. 2 Barnard’s Star Second closest neighbouring star system 3 Wolf 359 Also called CN Leonis 4 Lalande 21185 Are red […]

What is the story behind Footloose?

What is the story behind Footloose? Footloose is based on a true story. In 1979 the small town of Elmore City, Oklahoma faced a community crisis. The seniors of Elmore High School wanted to plan a senior prom, but dances were against the law thanks to a not-forgotten ordinance from the late 1800s that forbade […]

How do you encourage someone in jail?

How do you encourage someone in jail? By writing encouraging letters to inmates, you can: Lift their spirits. Help them find faith. Give them hope. Make them feel less lonely. Help them survive. Give them something to look forward to. Let them know that they’re still loved. Make them try harder to be rehabilitated. How […]

What Harley Davidson was used in WW2?

What Harley Davidson was used in WW2? WLA What was the motorcycle that won the war? Harley-Davidson’s WLA How many Harley WLA were made? Harley-Davidson produced about 70.000 WLA and WLC military motorcycles for the US Army and their Allies during WW2. Spare parts for an additional 30.000 bikes were also produced. What motorcycle does […]

Are frogs invertebrates?

Are frogs invertebrates? So, Are Frogs Vertebrates or Invertebrates? Frogs are vertebrates. In other words, they do have a backbone and a complex skeletal system just like other vertebrates. In the animal kingdom, frogs are classified as amphibians. Do Frogs Have backbone? A frog’s body is built for jumping and swimming. Frogs have long, strong […]

Why did Audrey Hepburn replace Julie Andrews?

Why did Audrey Hepburn replace Julie Andrews? The producers of “My Fair Lady” believed Julie Andrews was not “beautiful enough” to play Eliza and they decided to put Audrey Hepburn to star in that movie along with using Marni Nixon to provide the necessary singing for that role. Did Julie Andrews Turn Down My Fair […]

What does Singapore import and export?

What does Singapore import and export? Economy of Singapore Statistics Export goods Machinery and equipment Electronics and telecommunications Pharmaceuticals and other chemicals Refined petroleum products Chemical products Main export partners Hong Kong 13.8% China 11.35% European Union 9.78% Malaysia 9.29% United States 8.6% (2018) Imports US$533 billion (2019) Where does Singapore import from? In 2019, […]

Why is my horse not peeing?

Why is my horse not peeing? Lack of urine production may be caused by dehydration, kidney problems, or blockage in the urinary tract. But unless a horse is confined, and on consistent, clean bedding, it can be very hard to approximate urine production and know whether it truly is less than normal. How often should […]

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