Does a sea urchin have a exoskeleton?

Does a sea urchin have a exoskeleton? Urchins have a roughly spherical body covered by a rigid exoskeleton or “test” consisting of numerous calcium carbonate plates. The underside of a sea urchin’s body is referred to as the “oral surface”, because it contains the mouth. Do sea urchins have an endo or exoskeleton? Echinodermata: Morphology […]

What does Llano translate to in English?

What does Llano translate to in English? grassy plain Which forest is known as Selvas? Amazon rainforest Which products are obtained from forest areas? 17+ Indigenous Food Products Produced From Forests Honey. Today, honey is one of the major foods sourced from forests. Wild Meat. It is also common to find communities surrounding game parks […]

How do you get rid of eczema on your face?

How do you get rid of eczema on your face? Lifestyle and home remedies Moisturize your skin at least twice a day. Apply an anti-itch cream to the affected area. Take an oral allergy or anti-itch medication. Don’t scratch. Apply bandages. Take a warm bath. Choose mild soaps without dyes or perfumes. Use a humidifier. […]

How are trans fats formed in food?

How are trans fats formed in food? Trans fatty acids or trans fats are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats. Think shortening and hard margarine. Manufacturers create trans fats via a process called hydrogenation. How do you reduce trans fats? Reducing the amount of trans fat you eat Eat more vegetables, fruit, […]

Why do we fortify foods?

Why do we fortify foods? To enrich staple foods with nutrients Foods are fortified, whether that be mandatory or voluntary, in order to help improve the nutritional status of a population. Nutrients are added to some food products in order to simply make the product a more valuable source of nutrients. Why do we do […]

What does ABP mean in NJ Family Care?

What does ABP mean in NJ Family Care? Alternative Benefit Plan What does ABP plan mean? What is another name for a defined benefit plan? A defined benefit plan is a retirement plan in which employers provide guaranteed retirement benefits to employees based on a set formula. These plans, often referred to as pension plans, […]

Which country did democracy originate from?

Which country did democracy originate from? The concepts (and name) of democracy and constitution as a form of government originated in ancient Athens circa 508 B.C. In ancient Greece, where there were many city-states with different forms of government, democracy was contrasted with governance by elites (aristocracy), by one person (monarchy), by tyrants ( … […]

What is medium low on electric skillet?

What is medium low on electric skillet? I have found that, using an IR thermometer to read pan bottom temperature after 5 minutes of heating (the temperature is no longer rising), that high corresponds to 375 degrees F, medium high to 330 degrees, medium to 300 degrees, and low to about 275 degrees. Electric frying […]

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