Why do firefighters open fire hydrants?

Why do firefighters open fire hydrants? Fire hydrants are opened to conduct regular water system flushing that removes any mineral build-up and sediment from the pipes and also to ensure that water circulates adequately throughout the system. How do you open a fire hydrant? Generally, fire hydrant valves need to be turned counter clockwise to […]

What causes fuel trim malfunction 1?

What causes fuel trim malfunction 1? Lean running condition (caused by a vacuum leak, a fuel delivery problem, etc.) Faulty oxygen sensor creating false lean or rich readings. Exhaust leak creating false lean readings. An issue with the PCM, such as software in need of an update. What does code po170 mean? Table of Contents. […]

How often should power steering fluid be changed?

How often should power steering fluid be changed? Either every two years or every seventy-five thousand miles (whichever comes first!), you should change your power steering fluid out. How much power steering fluid does a Dodge Charger take? Prestone Power Steering Fluid 1 Quart. Where is the power steering reservoir on a 2011 Charger? The […]

What are all the text slangs?

What are all the text slangs? Common text abbreviations ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing. STFU: Shut the *swear word!* up. ICYMI: In case you missed it. TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read. LMK: Let me know. NVM: Nevermind. TGIF: Thank goodness it’s Friday. TBH: To be honest. What are current slang words? A Parent’s Guide to […]

Why did the little boy cry wolf?

Why did the little boy cry wolf? There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, “Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the […]

Can a 14 year old work full time?

Can a 14 year old work full time? New South Wales There is no minimum legal working age for those who want to start working. For specific areas of work such as door-to-door sales, the salesman has to be older than 14 years and 9 months. The minimum age for full time work is 17 […]

Do muesli bars make you fat?

Do muesli bars make you fat? “The biggest issue with muesli bars is that if they contain nuts, they are going to contain higher amounts of fat. Similarly, if they contain dried fruit, they are going to have a higher sugar content,” Bruschi told HuffPost Australia. How many calories does muesli have? Nutritional comparison Muesli […]

Did Vikings eat raw meat?

Did Vikings eat raw meat? Contrary to popular belief, Vikings didn’t only eat raw meat. They didn’t have conventional stoves or ovens, but the Viking cooks would roast and fry meat over open fires. Their cooking utensils were pretty advanced, too. Vikings used cauldrons made of soapstone and iron to hold most meals. How did […]

Does birds fly south for the winter?

Does birds fly south for the winter? Birds fly south in the winter in search of alternate food sources, and even though their summer home might be nicer, they return home in the spring when their usual food stocks are replenished. What happens when birds fly south for the winter? Instead of migrating between north […]

How many countries have free healthcare?

How many countries have free healthcare? Where Can You Find Free Healthcare? According to the STC report, all but 43 countries in the world offer free or universal healthcare. However, the standards among these countries can vary widely. What countries have no healthcare? The United States is still the only country in the developed world […]

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