Why is the Zodiac movie rated R?

Why is the Zodiac movie rated R? MPAA explanation: some strong killings, language, drug material and brief sexual images. Is Zodiac a PG? Zodiac [2007] [R] – 3.8. Is the film Zodiac scary? David Fincher’s 2007 film Zodiac does more to scare me during the summer months than any other movie. The film, which tells […]

What does white smoke indicate?

What does white smoke indicate? • White smoke from the exhaust: This could be steam caused by condensation in the exhaust pipe or a more serious issue caused by an engine coolant leak. Excessive amounts of white smoke could indicate head gasket failure. What makes white smoke come out of exhaust? White Smoke From Tailpipe […]

Can back child support be forgiven in Illinois?

Can back child support be forgiven in Illinois? Clean Slate only erases past due child support payments that are owed to the State of Illinois. The parent must still make future payments. The paying parent must make their regular ordered child support payments for 6 months. Once they make their support payments, the debt owed […]

Are government agency bonds safe?

Are government agency bonds safe? In the world of fixed-income securities, agency bonds represent one of the safest investments, and are often compared to Treasury bonds (T-bonds) for their low risk and high liquidity. Are GSE bonds safe? While GSE bonds have relatively low credit risk, there is some risk that the issuing GSE will […]

How do you write a mosaic?

How do you write a mosaic? Step 1: Start by Sketching a Design Onto a Piece of Paper. Step 2: Using a Marker, Transfer Your Design Onto the Wood. Step 3: Take Your Tile and Wrap It in a Cloth. Step 4: Gather Your Broken Tiles Into Color Categories. Step 5: Glue Each Piece Individually. […]

Can water in ear cause vertigo?

Can water in ear cause vertigo? Named after the physician who first described it, Meniere’s disease occurs when fluid builds up in the inner ear, causing sudden attacks of vertigo as well as ringing in the ear (tinnitus), hearing loss or a feeling of fullness in the ear. How long does vertigo last from fluid […]

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