Are Green Berets more elite than Rangers?

Are Green Berets more elite than Rangers? While both of these units are highly elite in their own right, the amount of specialized training it takes to be a Ranger is less than what it takes to be a Green Beret….Quick Green Berets Vs. Army Rangers Comparison Chart. Green Berets Army Rangers Total Size Around […]

What are the negative effects of technology?

What are the negative effects of technology? Research has linked too much screen time or low-quality screen time to: behavioral problems. less time for play and loss of social skills. obesity. sleep problems. violence. How does technology affect our health? Close computer work can cause dry eyes, light sensitivity, double vision, fatigue, and headaches. Additionally, […]

Who are the main character in chains?

Who are the main character in chains? The main characters in Chains are Isabel Finch, Ruth Finch, and Curzon Bellingham. Isabel Finch, the novel’s protagonist and narrator, is a teenage girl struggling to free herself and her sister from slavery during the Revolutionary War. Who are all the characters in the book chains? Characters Isabel. […]

How much does a Mars bar cost?

How much does a Mars bar cost? Price checker Product UK Average Price Booker RRP MARS BAR ORIGINAL 51G £0.74 £0.60 CADBURY FLAKE 32G £0.77 £0.70 GALAXY CARAMEL STANDARD 48G £0.78 £0.69 GALAXY MILK CHOCOLATE 46G £0.78 £0.69 Where can I buy Mars bars? The Mars Bar is available for purchase at all Ethel M […]

What size are my fuel injectors?

What size are my fuel injectors? Fuel Injectors are sized by their flow rate. For example, a naturally aspirated, 300 hp engine (BSFC 0.5), with 8 injectors will need 23.4 lbs./hr. of fuel per injector at an 80% (0.8) duty cycle. (300 X 0.5) ÷ (8 X 0.8) = 23.4 lbs./hr. What size injectors are […]

Is an Iguanodon a herbivore?

Is an Iguanodon a herbivore? Iguanodon, (genus Iguanodon), large herbivorous dinosaurs found as fossils from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods (161.2 million to 99.6 million years ago) in a wide area of Europe, North Africa, North America, Australia, and Asia; a few have been found from Late Cretaceous deposits of Europe and southern […]

What type of juice cleans pennies best?

What type of juice cleans pennies best? lemon juice Does apple juice clean coins? The Juice. Use grape juice, apple juice, pickle juice, grapefruit juice and lemon juice. Pennies become cleaner in more acidic juice such as grapefruit juice, pickle juice and lemon juice. Less acidic juice, such as grape and apple, may have little […]

Can you DIY a futon?

Can you DIY a futon? Ah the futon, that convenient, dual-purpose piece of furniture you can find in apartments, guest rooms and dens across the world. Enter the DIY futon frame. This is your chance to build something good enough at the size you need, but solid and perfect for your immediate needs. How do […]

Can mules ever reproduce?

Can mules ever reproduce? A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse (a mare). Mules can be either male or female, but, because of the odd number of chromosomes, they can’t reproduce. Why are mules virtually always sterile? Why are mules virtually always sterile? Mules have an odd […]

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