How do you classify a star hotel?

How do you classify a star hotel? Star system in hotel categorization. Hotel rating is based on a scale of 1-5 stars, 5 stars means the highest level of services, 1 star means the lowest/poor standard. Five-star system helps to classify hotels according to their quality and makes that it is easier to compare them. […]

Was the workers rights movement successful?

Was the workers rights movement successful? On May 1, 1886, some 200,000 workers had struck in support of the effort to achieve the eight-hour day. While the national eight-hour-day strike movement was generally peaceful, and frequently successful, it led to an episode of violence in Chicago that resulted in a setback for the new labor […]

How many points is a field goal basketball?

How many points is a field goal basketball? two points What means field goal? 1 : a score of three points in football made by drop-kicking or placekicking the ball over the crossbar from ordinary play. 2 : a goal in basketball made while the ball is in play. How are points awarded in basketball? […]

What is usually the first sign of HPV?

What is usually the first sign of HPV? Most commonly there are no symptoms. Sometimes HPV can develop into warts although it is important to remember that not everyone gets warts from HPV. For anyone with a cervix, inclusive of those who identify as men (transmen), sometimes an abnormal cervical smear may be the first […]

What is between Fresno and Bakersfield?

What is between Fresno and Bakersfield? The closest town to the halfway point is Tipton, CA, situated 59 miles from Fresno, CA and 54 miles from Bakersfield, CA. What cities are between Fresno and Bakersfield? The best city between Fresno, CA and Bakersfield, CA to meet is Tulare, California which is about 8 miles from […]

Who is the Orthodox saint for animals?

Who is the Orthodox saint for animals? St. Modestos Is there a patron saint of poop? It was at first celebrated on the second Sunday in July, but was moved in 1568 to 14 July, since 15 July, the anniversary of his death, was at that time taken up with the feast of Saint Henry. […]

Who played for all 4 New York baseball teams?

Who played for all 4 New York baseball teams? He, along with Darryl Strawberry, and Ricky Ledée are the only Major League Baseball players to have played for all four (former and current) New York teams—the New York Yankees, the New York Mets, the Los Angeles Dodgers, and the San Francisco Giants. What baseball teams […]

Who is our current US Secretary of State?

Who is our current US Secretary of State? Antony Blinken Who was the last secretary of war? Kenneth C. Royall Do all states have a Secretary of State? Secretary of state is an official in the state governments of 47 of the 50 states of the United States, as well as Puerto Rico and other […]

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