What is the firing order on a 5.4 Ford Motor? The firing order of all Ford 5.4 engines is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8. Where are the spark plugs on a 4.6 Ford? The first thing you need to do is to access the spark plugs. You will find that they lie below ignition coils and you can access […]
When was NATO established and where is its headquarters?
When was NATO established and where is its headquarters? NATO Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord Logo Formation 4 April 1949 Type Military alliance Headquarters Brussels, Belgium How many employees does NATO have? NATO has 7,300 employees and is ranked 4th among it’s top 10 competitors. What is the highest office of NATO? The secretary […]
Did people used to believe in fairies?
Did people used to believe in fairies? For many having seen these animals for the first time, dragons, mermaids and fairies did not seem far-fetched. In the modern era, fairies have been mostly relegated to children’s magical fiction, hence the phrase “fairy tales.” In centuries past, however, many adults also believed in the existence of […]
Who are some famous practitioners of Buddhism?
Who are some famous practitioners of Buddhism? Beloved Star Wars director George Lucas is Buddhist, as is Goldie Hawn and Orlando Bloom. They are far from the only celebrity Buddhist followers though. David Bowie and Steve Jobs were both known Buddhists. Tiger Woods is one of the Buddhist athletes. Who are the leaders of Buddhism? […]
How does a Angler fish catch its prey?
How does a Angler fish catch its prey? The anglerfish uses its illuminated lure as its hunts for prey. The anglerfish is known to remain completely motionless, waving its lure back and forth like a fishing pole. When the prey fish gets close enough, the angler snaps it up with its powerful jaws and swallows […]
Was Christina Perri on Glee?
Was Christina Perri on Glee? Tuesday was a big day for breakout singer/songwriter [artist id=”3712474″]Christina Perri[/artist]. Not only was her long-awaited debut album Lovestrong finally released, but the song that made her an instant success, “Jar of Hearts,” was featured on the latest episode of “Glee.” Who sings a thousand years in glee? Glee Cast […]
Who is legally responsible to pay for a funeral?
Who is legally responsible to pay for a funeral? The person who contacts the funeral director and orders the funeral is legally responsible for paying the funeral bills, although the money will usually be drawn from the deceased person’s estate. All funds and assets of the deceased person can be used to assist with the […]
How much was $3 in 1993?
How much was $3 in 1993? Value of $3 from 1993 to 2021 Cumulative price change 86.29% Converted amount ($3 base) $5.59 Price difference ($3 base) $2.59 CPI in 1993 144.500 CPI in 2021 269.195 How much was $50 in 1993? Value of $50 from 1993 to 2021 Cumulative price change 86.29% Average inflation rate […]
How many donuts are eaten in America?
How many donuts are eaten in America? This statistic shows the consumption of donuts / doughnuts in the United States in 2020. The data has been calculated by Statista based on the U.S. Census data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS). According to this statistic, 201.02 million Americans consumed donuts / doughnuts in 2020. How […]