Which tribe is the strongest in Nigeria?

Which tribe is the strongest in Nigeria? The Hausas are seen as the strongest tribe in Nigeria because most of them occupy important public offices in the country. What is Hausa Igbo Yoruba? The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausas that are predominantly in the north, the Yorubas who predominate in the southwest, and […]

How do you outline text?

How do you outline text? Add an outline, shadow, reflection, or glow text effect Select your text or WordArt. Click Home > Text Effects. Click the effect you want. For more choices, point to Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow, and then click the effect you want. What is a heading in an outline? A two […]

Can you download recordings from DISH DVR?

Can you download recordings from DISH DVR? A Dish Network DVR receiver has an internal hard drive for storing recorded television shows. Once it has been connected to the Dish Network DVR receiver, video that is on the internal hard drive can be transferred to the external USB hard drive. Can you transfer recordings from […]

How long are puppies eyes closed after birth?

How long are puppies eyes closed after birth? Puppies are born with their eyes closed but they open after one to two weeks. If you notice any swelling or bulging under the eyelids, discharge or pus, or any other abnormalities they should be opened immediately. When can Puppies see fully? around eight weeks What happens […]

What do you feed a Guillemot?

What do you feed a Guillemot? Guillemots eat fish (mainly sprats), but also crustaceans, worms and molluscs. Guillemots fish in the open sea, usually alone or in small groups, during autumn and winter. They look rather duck-like when swimming and they dive below the surface by kicking their feet and partially spreading their wings. Where […]

How did Edward Jenner develop vaccines?

How did Edward Jenner develop vaccines? On May 14, 1796, Jenner took fluid from a cowpox blister and scratched it into the skin of James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy. A single blister rose up on the spot, but James soon recovered. On July 1, Jenner inoculated the boy again, this time with smallpox matter, and […]

Does JLo have hazel eyes?

Does JLo have hazel eyes? Hazel eyes often appear to shift in colour from a brown to a green.” 7. Jennifer Lopez – amber eyes Dr De Silva said: “Amber eyes like J-Lo’s are fairly unusual. Many animals such as dogs, cats and birds have hazel eyes, but they are far less common in humans.” […]

What makes a good vaulting horse?

What makes a good vaulting horse? A vaulting horse should also have: a strong back, broad, long, and well attached at the loins; a broad, flat croup; good vision in both eyes. This is ideal but not essential. Is horse vaulting cruel? Clearly, horse vaulting can be dangerous. But Seth’s mom Bobi McAlexander says her […]

How do you play beat on FL Studio?

How do you play beat on FL Studio? Step 1: Materials Needed. You will need: A desktop or laptop, headphones or speakers, and the fl studio software. Step 2: Choose Melody Instrument. Step 3: Start Laying Down Your Melody. Step 4: Add Kicks. Step 5: Add Snares. Step 6: Add Hi- Hats. Step 7: Add […]

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