Why does the fetus swallow amniotic fluid?

Why does the fetus swallow amniotic fluid? Amniotic fluid protects the developing baby by cushioning against blows to the mother’s abdomen, allowing for easier fetal movement and promoting muscular/skeletal development. Amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus helps in the formation of the gastrointestinal tract. What happens if baby drinks amniotic fluid? As an infant draws […]

Do they have Fig Newtons in the UK?

Do they have Fig Newtons in the UK? Newtons are a Nabisco-trademarked version of a pastry (biscuit in the UK) filled with sweet fruit paste. Fig Newtons were the most prominent (fig rolls filled with fig paste). They are produced by an extrusion process….Newtons (cookie) Two Newtons with fig filling Type Pastry Main ingredients Figs […]

Which country is farthest east in Europe?

Which country is farthest east in Europe? Portugal What is the furthest point in Europe? Cabo Da Roca Is Iceland the most Western Europe? You stated that the most westerly point of ‘continental’ Europe is Cabo da Roca. I prefer to use the term ‘mainland’ Europe to make it absolutely clear. The geographical continent of […]

What does Bank 1 system too rich mean?

What does Bank 1 system too rich mean? System too rich bank 1 means that the oxygen sensor in bank 1 identified a rich situation (presence of inadequate amount of oxygen in the exhaust). The detection of too much fuel mean that there is insufficient oxygen. Bank 1 is technically cylinder 1, which is the […]

Is Mexico mixed economy?

Is Mexico mixed economy? Mexico meets all the criteria of an emerging market economy. The country’s gross domestic product, or GDP, per capita beats most of its peers in the developing world but falls short of the threshold required for classification as a developed country. What are the main economic activities of Mexico? The main […]

Does rugby require skill?

Does rugby require skill? The game of rugby is almost wholly devoid of anything one might call ‘skill’; it is a game of brute force and speed and a bit of tactical planning and that’s yer lot. Perhaps that’s why the middle classes, which have never been any good at sport, or very much else, […]

What did the guard have on his lap holes?

What did the guard have on his lap holes? It contained his toothbrush, toothpaste, and a box of stationary his mother had given him. He’d promised to write to her at least once a week. He looked out the window, although there wasn’t much to see—mostly fields of hay and cotton. He was on a […]

Why did Athena and Hera destroy Troy?

Why did Athena and Hera destroy Troy? Hera promised to make him a king who would rule Asia and have great wealth. Athena offered to give him wisdom and an invincible valor in warfare. His choice was imprudent to say the least, since he made implacable enemies of Hera and Athena, both of whom vowed […]

How did Friday the 13th come about?

How did Friday the 13th come about? The superstition surrounding Friday the 13th is thought to originate with the Last Supper, which was attended by 13 people – Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples – on Maundy Thursday, the night before his crucifixion by Roman soldiers on Good Friday. Is it bad luck to have […]

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