Where did Themistocles defeat Xerxes? Straits of Salamis How did Themistocles trick Xerxes? Themistocles deceived the Persians by offering them what they wanted to hear. But he could not have pulled off the scheme without first learning the Persian way of war – and that required gathering and analyzing human intelligence. Who defeated the Persian […]
How do I find friends on Gmail?
Do you need a monthly plan for iPad?
Can you call people on an iPod nano?
What do pilgrims do at Mina today?
What do pilgrims do at Mina today? Back at Mina, the pilgrims perform symbolic stoning of the devil (Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones from sunrise to sunset at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah. The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day. These pillars are said […]
What happened to the Buffalo in the 1800s?
What happened to the Buffalo in the 1800s? By the 1800s, Native Americans learned to use horses to chase bison, dramatically expanding their hunting range. But then white trappers and traders introduced guns in the West, killing millions more buffalo for their hides. By the middle of the 19th century, even train passengers were shooting […]
What was the smallest tank in WW2?
What was the smallest tank in WW2? The L3/35 or Carro Veloce CV-35 was an Italian tankette that saw combat before and during World War II. Although designated a light tank by the Italian Army, its turretless configuration, weight and firepower make it closer to contemporary tankettes….L3/35. Carro Armato L3/35 In service 1 October 1935 […]
What are the main languages of Goa?
What are the main languages of Goa? Konkani How many languages are used in Goa? So, the total number of languages used in Goa are English, Portuguese, Konkani, Hindi and Marathi. Konkani, however, is the official language of Goa. Konkani is written in the Devanagri script. The other main languages spoken in the state are […]
Does drinking hot water in empty stomach reduce weight?
Does drinking hot water in empty stomach reduce weight? Hot water breaks down fat in the body and mobilises them to molecules, making it easier for your digestive system to burn them. Curbs appetite: Warm water helps to curb appetite. Gulping down a glass of warm water 30 minutes before having your meal can help […]