Why does Michael Jordan wear earrings?

Why does Michael Jordan wear earrings? “For Michael, it was done out of necessity. And it gave him a branded look that was very safe and approachable to everyone.” There was also the gold hoop earring that dangled from Jordan’s left earlobe. How much does Michael Jordan’s earring cost? And Michael bought Charles a $20,000 […]

Which of the following is a product of both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation?

Which of the following is a product of both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation? Biology 2 Question Answer An important molecule generated by both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation is NAD + In the first step of aerobic respiration, pyruvic acid from glycolysis produces CO2,NADH,H ,and acetyl CoA The electron transport chain is […]

How does drying preserve food?

How does drying preserve food? Drying removes the moisture from the food so bacteria, yeast and mold cannot grow and spoil the food. Drying also slows down the action of enzymes (naturally occurring substances which cause foods to ripen), but does not inactivate them. Because drying removes moisture, the food becomes smaller and lighter in […]

Can Dog skin infections spread to humans?

Can Dog skin infections spread to humans? Our pets can contract a wide variety of bacterial infections as they move through the world. Many of these bacterial infections can be passed to humans through contact with urine or feces, saliva, or the coat of an infected animal. Staphylococcus is the most likely bacterium to cause […]

Are Garmin lifetime maps free?

Are Garmin lifetime maps free? Garmin Free Lifetime Map Updates One of the most popular and easiest ways to update your Garmin Nuvi maps is with the Free Lifetime Map Updates option. Buying this map update just once will allow you to update your maps for the life of your Garmin GPS as soon as […]

Is Lizard a carnivore or omnivore?

Is Lizard a carnivore or omnivore? Diet. Many lizards are carnivores, which means they eat meat. A typical diet for a lizard includes ants, spiders, termites, cicadas, small mammals and even other lizards. Other lizards are omnivores, which means they eat vegetation and meat. Is Reptile a omnivore? Most amphibians and reptiles are carnivores, meaning […]

How do you describe a flea?

How do you describe a flea? General features. Fleas are small, wingless insects with a tough cuticle bearing many bristles and frequently combs (ctenidia) of broad, flattened spines. The adult flea varies from about 0.1 to 0.32 cm (0.039 to 0.13 inch) in length and feeds exclusively on the blood of mammals (including humans) and […]

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