What is a shared derived trait? A shared derived character is a characteristic or trait that two lineages share, which has evolved leading up to their clade. What is a shared primitive trait? A shared, primitive character (such as the post-anal tail of all vertebrates) is called a symplesiomorphy. Symplesiomorphies can tell us that animals […]
Is it normal for father and son to shower together?
Is it normal for father and son to shower together? There is nothing intrinsically harmful about dad and son showering together as long as it seems easy and natural to both of them. It may simply be part of their daily routine just as two people would stand side-by-side brushing teeth. You do not want […]
How much time does it take to care for a horse?
What can be the cause of a rear light not to work?
How do you foreshadow in a story?
How do you foreshadow in a story? To create foreshadowing in fiction or non-fiction, Give the reader direct information by mentioning an upcoming event or explaining the plans of the people or characters portrayed in the text: Place clues in the first few sentences of a story or chapter to indicate the themes that will […]
Is Emma Ross still alive?
Is GTA V available in India?
How do you get out of a room with no windows and no doors?
Why is it called a peninsula?
Why is it called a peninsula? A peninsula (Latin: paeninsula from paene “almost” and insula “island”) is a landform surrounded by water on most of its border while being connected to a mainland from which it extends. The surrounding water is usually understood to be continuous, though not necessarily named as a single body of […]
What happens if you swallow too much salt water?
What happens if you swallow too much salt water? Eating too much salt can have a range of effects. In the short term, it may cause bloating, severe thirst, and a temporary rise in blood pressure. In severe cases, it may also lead to hypernatremia, which, if left untreated, can be fatal. Can you get […]