What is a hidden talent?

What is a hidden talent? What is hidden talent? have a hidden talent Fig. to have talents or skills that no one knows about. … I didn’t know you had so many hidden talents. See also: have, hidden, talent. See also: hidden. What are some good talent show ideas? Check out these talent-show ideas below: […]

How do you show projects on a resume?

How do you show projects on a resume? One way to include projects in your resume is to highlight them in your work experience section….This is how to add a projects section to your resume: Give it the title “Key Projects” and add it as the last section of your resume, after your skills section. […]

Is it OK to say warm regards?

Is it OK to say warm regards? Warm Regards – I like this for a personal email to someone you don’t know very well, or a business email that is meant as a thank-you. Warmest Regards – As good as Warm Regards, with a touch of added heat. Warmest – I use this often for […]

What does public health nutritionist do?

What does public health nutritionist do? PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITIONIST. Under direction, plans, develops, implements and coordinates the nutrition component of public health care programs and provides consultative, educational and technical services in the field of nutrition; and performs other work as required. Can you be a nutritionist without a degree? Those without a four-year degree […]

What is SOP and POS?

What is SOP and POS? The SOP (Sum of Product) and POS (Product of Sum) are the methods for deducing a particular logic function. In other words, these are the ways to represent the deduced reduced logic function. Conversely, POS produces a logical expression comprised of the AND of the multiple OR terms. How do […]

What skills do you need to be a fashion stylist?

What skills do you need to be a fashion stylist? Skills an eye for visual composition and proportion. commercial awareness including a good knowledge of designers, brands and trends. the ability to meet deadlines. an excellent work ethic and can-do attitude. an exceptional eye for detail. a positive, proactive and assertive approach. What should be […]

What is open punctuation?

What is open punctuation? The term open punctuation stands for the omission of characters and marks such as full stops (periods), colons, or commas in the address, after the salutation, in abbreviations, etc. What is open and closed punctuation? In a nutshell, closed punctuation uses terminal punctuation marks, while open punctuation leaves them out. Terminal […]

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