What is a deep water start? Deep Water Start Riders start out in the water with their board under water and their hands outstretched holding onto the rope handle. You have to balance your board under you before the boat starts moving and the rope tightens. Some people have the board parallel with the boat […]
Does flow rate remain constant?
Does flow rate remain constant? Mass flow rate does remain constant as long as no mass is added or removed. Volume flow rate at standard conditions remains constant under changing thermodynamic conditions because it is calculated at a constant (imaginary) set of conditions. What is kinetic energy of fluid? i) Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy […]
When were fundamental duties added?
When were fundamental duties added? in 1976 What are the 10 fundamental duties? List of Fundamental Duties Abide by the Constitution and respect national flag & National Anthem. Follow ideals of the freedom struggle. Protect sovereignty & integrity of India. Defend the country and render national services when called upon. Sprit of common brotherhood. Preserve […]
Is a browser considered software?
Is a browser considered software? Microsoft Outlook on your desktop is a software client, and indeed web browsers are software clients. Usually when people say “program” they are referring to a software client of some type. How do you use a browser? Step 1 − Launch your web browser. Step 2 − In “Address bar/Location”, […]
Which endocrine glands are located above the kidneys?
Which endocrine glands are located above the kidneys? Adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions. Which gland is the above hormone secreted by? The anterior […]
Is Lycra environmentally friendly?
Is Lycra environmentally friendly? Lycra. “Found in most activewear, lycra is a synthetic manmade fibre created from polyurethane that’s stronger and more durable than natural rubber. But, on the flipside, it’s also non-biodegradable and doesn’t have a very long shelf-life. What is recycled lycra? Made partly with pre-consumer spandex manufacturing waste, our first recycled LYCRA® […]
Is there a 2020 worldwide threat assessment?
Is there a 2020 worldwide threat assessment? The Trump administration, without explanation, postponed the DNI’s annual Worldwide Threat Assessment which warns that the U.S. remains unprepared for a global pandemic. The office of the DNI was scheduled to deliver the Assessment to the House Intelligence Committee on February 12, 2020. Who will determine the appropriate […]
How do you write an invitation for a friendly match?
How do you write an invitation for a friendly match? Dear friend , With due respects and humble submission, I beg to state that the players of our football team wish to play a friendly match against the football eleven of ____________ (football team name). The match will be played on the ____________ (Date) at […]
How do you get Digimon in dusk?
How do you get Digimon in dusk? Take your Digimon to battle over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Obtain Tamer points during Wi-Fi battles then trade your Tamer points for rare items. Rare Digimon can also be acquired by Digi-matching. Is Digimon Rearise worth playing? It’s really worth it. It can be a bit discouraging since it […]