How many NZ soldiers died in East Timor?

How many NZ soldiers died in East Timor? Four New Zealand peacekeepers What conflicts has New Zealand been involved in? New Zealand’s internal wars New Zealand’s 19th-century wars. War shaped 19th-century New Zealand. Musket Wars. The Wairau incident. War in Taranaki 1860-63. War in Waikato. The Northern War. War in Tauranga. War in Whanganui. What […]

Do car stereos play MP3 CDs?

Do car stereos play MP3 CDs? A data CD containing for example MP3 or WAV files will play happily on your computer but is unlikely to play in a standalone CD player or in-car CD player (note that some modern CD players will play data CDs). An audio CD will play on any standalone or […]

How do you say Happy Holidays in Swedish?

How do you say Happy Holidays in Swedish? Swedish has a lot of phrases that get thrown around during the holiday season. There’s god jul (Merry Christmas) and gott nytt år (Happy New Year), for example. But those are generally used for very specific days. Then there is god helg, which is somewhat equivalent to […]

Why does the left side of my scalp tingle?

Why does the left side of my scalp tingle? Like other areas of your skin, the scalp is filled with blood vessels and nerve endings. Tingling may occur as a result of nerve trauma, physical trauma, or irritation. Some of the most common causes of tingling scalp include skin conditions, irritation from hair products, and […]

Do you need a stamp to hunt dove?

Do you need a stamp to hunt dove? Answer: Yes, you do need a HIP validation to hunt dove. It’s required for any person hunting ducks, dove, gallinules, geese, band-tailed pigeon, black brant, coots or snipe. The HIP survey provides wildlife biologists with data needed to make wildlife management decisions and formulate hunting seasons. Are […]

What does the word Haley mean?

What does the word Haley mean? Etymology & Historical Origin of the Baby Name Haley Hayley comes from the Old English words “hēg” (meaning ‘hay’) and “lēah” (meaning ‘clearing’). The family name Hayley would have originally signified a person living near an area with “hay-clearing” landscape features. What does Haley mean in Latin? 0. Hayley […]

What does 925 China gold mean?

What does 925 China gold mean? sterling silver jewelry What does 925 China mean on jewelry? 925 is Sterling Silver R China means it is manufactured in the Republic of China. The gold is either playing or a wash. As you wear it the gold will wear off. You can take to to a silver […]

What crop helped Jamestown prosper?

What crop helped Jamestown prosper? In 1612, John Rolfe, one of many shipwrecked on Bermuda, helped turn the settlement into a profitable venture. He introduced a new strain of tobacco from seeds that he brought and tobacco became the long-awaited cash crop for the Virginia Company, who wanted to make money off their investment in […]

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