Why do horses run clockwise in Sydney?

Why do horses run clockwise in Sydney? It is thought that by racing counter-clockwise, charioteers would want to keep their dominant sword hand to the outside in case the weapon was needed. Since the Greeks raced their horses counter-clockwise, some people believe this established the direction for horse racing today. Why are horses anti clockwise? […]

Is Diamond 10 times harder than talc?

Is Diamond 10 times harder than talc? This would indicate that Quartz is only 7 times harder than Talc and Diamond is only 10 times harder than Talc. The Absolute hardness scale is proportional showing a quantitative difference between the minerals. What is the difference between diamond and talc? Diamond has a score of 10 […]

Does Diet Coke have more sugar than regular Coke?

Does Diet Coke have more sugar than regular Coke? It contains zero calories and sugar but still retains a familiar Coke flavour. Diet Coke, on the other hand, uses low calorie sweeteners to give the drink a sugary taste without the sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrate. Is Diet Coke more popular than Coke? Diet Coke sales have […]

How do you type a heart symbol?

How do you type a heart symbol? Heart symbol on Android Most likely, heart text symbol emoji is in your default keyboard key set. On my Galaxy SIII I can get ♡ and ♥ symbols by pressing [123] and then [1/3], and on Galaxy Note 4 with Android 5 can get ♡ via [Sym] and […]

What is the role of school in promoting gender equality?

What is the role of school in promoting gender equality? Schools can magnify or diminish gender differences by providing environments that promote within-gender similarity and between-gender differences, or the inverse (within-gender variability and between group similarity). Schools’ affect gender differentiation via two primary sources: teachers and peers. How will you ensure gender equality in a […]

What make was your first car or bike?

What make was your first car or bike? The bicycle came first. The first bicycles didn’t have pedals, but were a balancing vehicle with two wheels, no brakes. These came out sometime in the 1700’s. The automobile was built around 1880’s. Which brand made the first car? On January 29, 1886, Carl Benz applied for […]

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