How long is flight from SA to Angola?

How long is flight from SA to Angola? The total flight duration from Johannesburg, South Africa to Luanda, Angola is 3 hours, 35 minutes. How long is a flight to Angola? approximately 3 hours and 35 minutes How many hours is Lagos to South Africa? approximately 5 hours and 40 minutes How many hours is […]

Can you Respawn in Halo 2?

Can you Respawn in Halo 2? in the original halo 2 game, if you play co-op on legendary, if one person dies, you restart to the last checkpoint. personally i think its more fun and challenging because now you have to work with your friend to get past the level. not just die and respawn […]

What drug treats epilepsy and migraines?

What drug treats epilepsy and migraines? About topiramate Topiramate is a medicine used to treat epilepsy. These are also called anti-epileptic medicines. It can also be taken to prevent migraine. This medicine is only available on prescription. What’s the difference between epilepsy and migraines? On the surface, migraines and epileptic seizures look nothing alike. Hyperactivity […]

Where is the throttle position?

Where is the throttle position? The throttle position sensor is mounted to the throttle body on top of the engine. Does seafoam help the fuel pump? One can treats up to 16 gallons of fuel. This will remove deposits from the fuel pump, injectors or carb jets, control moisture, and stabilize the fuel. In diesel […]

How do you make GREY colored frosting?

How do you make GREY colored frosting? To make gray using gel colors, add bright white coloring and a bit of black coloring to the frosting. Mix thoroughly and judge the color. If it still looks too light, add a few more drops of black coloring. How do you make gray food coloring? Mix black […]

Where does sun rise first in India?

Where does sun rise first in India? dong In which state sun rises last in India? Therefore the sunrise is first seen in India by Arunachal Pradesh at Dong, while sun rises last at Gujarat in Guhar Moti. Which state sees the rising sun at first? Arunachal Pradesh Where is the first sunrise? North of […]

Is Ecuador a country or a state?

Is Ecuador a country or a state? South America Is Ecuador a part of the United Nations? Ecuador is a founding member of the UN and a member of many of its specialized agencies; it is also a member of the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as many regional groups, including the Rio […]

How does recording tape work?

How does recording tape work? Magnetic tape recording works by converting electrical audio signals into magnetic energy, which imprints a record of the signal onto a moving tape covered in magnetic particles. As the tape passes by, these pulses align the tiny magnetic particles into patterns, leaving a record of the sound. … How does […]

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