Does God of War have swearing? While God of War used to be an ultra-violent and gory video game series, the latest entry has changed a lot. The content is still violent, but decidedly less so. There is no drinking or use of substances. There is some minor swearing, such as b****, but any bad […]
What grocery stores are in Guam?
What grocery stores are in Guam? 7 Day Supermarket – Harmon. Supermarkets. Harmon, 96913. 7 Day Supermarket – Yona. Supermarkets. Yona. Asan Beach Market. Convenience Stores. 671-477-0215. Day Buy Day. Supermarkets. 671-789-3372. Happy Mart. General Merchandise. 671-734-3881. Home Plus Mart. Markets. 671-647-4460. KNS Market. Markets. Latte Heights Market. Supermarkets. Where is target located? Minneapolis Who […]
Are elfs real or fake?
Are elfs real or fake? From a scientific viewpoint, elves are not considered objectively real. However, elves have in many times and places been believed to be real beings. What does Santa’s elf look like? Christmas elves are usually depicted as green- or red-clad, with large, pointy ears and wearing pointy hats. They are most […]
What is my zip code for South Africa?
What is my zip code for South Africa? Read more about Postal codes in South Africa and beyond. These postal code details have been gathered from the Postal Code booklet published by the SA Post Office….POSTAL CODES FOR SOUTH AFRICA. Code Range Area 0001–0299 Gauteng—Pretoria/Tshwane 0300–0499 North West—northern part 0500–0698 Limpopo—south and west What is […]
Why is Noli Me Tangere a threat to the Spanish authority and Friars?
Why is Noli Me Tangere a threat to the Spanish authority and Friars? The Spanish friars’ abuse of power is evident early in Noli Me Tangere. Because of his views about the church and his commitment to helping poor children attend secular schools, the friars slandered his name and did everything in their power to […]
Why do cats run after pooping?
What did 2nd wave feminism achieve?
What did 2nd wave feminism achieve? Issues of the Second Wave In the late 1960s the women’s movement gave rise to a reproductive rights movement whose goals encompassed legalizing abortion, promoting easier and safer contraception, and fighting racist and classist birth-control programs. What was the greatest achievement of the second wave of feminism? Major accomplishments […]
What was the first mammal created using somatic cell nuclear transfer?
What was the first mammal created using somatic cell nuclear transfer? Dolly What was the name of the first cloned animal? Dolly the Sheep Can you patent a human clone? If some states outlawed human cloning but others kept it legal, then anyone with the money could clone him or herself. Since the 13th Amendment […]
What is a small high pitched flute called?
What is a small high pitched flute called? Piccolo What is a high pitched flute? Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HIGH-PITCHED FLUTE [piccolo] What is a QED part? q.e.d. part Meriting a “Q.E.D.” PROVABLE R&D part: abbr. DEV What is an insert mark? a symbol used to show that a missing letter […]
Can you deduct foreclosure fees on taxes?
Can you deduct foreclosure fees on taxes? Legal fees from foreclosures usually cannot be deducted. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does provide some relief to homeowners who have gone through foreclosure. How is a foreclosure treated for tax purposes? A foreclosure is treated the same as the sale of a property, which can trigger a […]