How much should I charge as an editor?

How much should I charge as an editor? A beginning editor can expect to charge right around $20 an hour. However, an experienced content editor can charge more, as much as $50 to $85 an hour (or even more, depending on what you’re doing). Even as a proofreader, after you have established yourself, you can […]

How can I make my essay shorter?

How can I make my essay shorter? Here are five simple tips for trimming your stories without destroying content. Circle or highlight all adverbs. Take them out. Look for a single word or short phrase followed by a comma. Delete helping verbs. Delete to be verbs. Turn some nouns into verbs: “I concluded” is better […]

What is a dissertation coach?

What is a dissertation coach? Dissertation coaching is a service we designed to help you successfully structure the dissertation or thesis process, create realistic work plans, increase accountability and effectively help you overcome internal and external barriers that students experience on the path to earning a doctoral or master’s degree. How much does a dissertation […]

Are dentists richer than doctors?

Are dentists richer than doctors? Dentists in some places are so well compensated that they earn more than the average doctor. Meanwhile, the average general dental practitioner took in $181,000 in 2013, according to the dental association, compared to $175,000 for a family doctor, according to WebMD Medscape’s annual compensation report. Is becoming a dentist […]

What is correlational quantitative research design?

What is correlational quantitative research design? More specifically, the correlational research design is a type of non-experimental study in which relationships are assessed without manipulating independent variables or randomly assigning participants to different conditions. You would not describe your study as having a quantitative methodology with an ANOVA design. What are the limitations of correlational […]

What level of correlation indicates Multicollinearity?

What level of correlation indicates Multicollinearity? Collinearity is a linear association between two predictors. Multicollinearity is a situation where two or more predictors are highly linearly related. In general, an absolute correlation coefficient of >0.7 among two or more predictors indicates the presence of multicollinearity. What is an acceptable VIF? There are some guidelines we […]

What is the most common type of correlational research?

What is the most common type of correlational research? The survey method is the most common method of correlational research; especially in fields like psychology. It involves random sampling of the variables or the subjects in the research in which the participants fill a questionnaire centered on the subjects of interest. What is a correlational […]

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