What is the percentage of relative humidity of saturated air? 100 percent Is Relative humidity a percent? Relative humidity is measured as a percentage or ratio of the amount of water vapor in a volume of air RELATIVE to a given temperature and the amount it can hold at that given temperature. Why is the […]
How is the logarithmic mean temperature difference lmtd calculated for heat exchangers?
How is the logarithmic mean temperature difference lmtd calculated for heat exchangers? Solution. ΔT2 → the temperature difference between hot and cold fluids at the other end of the heat exchanger (i) For counter current heat exchanger, (At the other end cold fluid enters and hot fluid exits.) by definition given above, LMTD for counter […]
How fast do airplanes fly in mph?
What is high speed steel used for?
What is high speed steel used for? High Speed Steels (HSS) (High speed steel (HSS)), is primarily used as a cutting material (for cutting tools) and is a high-alloy tool steel. HSS is also used for the manufacturing tools because it is very good for grinding (which also permits regrinding of blunt tools, for example). […]
What is first order high pass filter?
What is first order high pass filter? This first-order high pass filter, consists simply of a passive filter followed by a non-inverting amplifier. The frequency response of the circuit is the same as that of the passive filter, except that the amplitude of the signal is increased by the gain of the amplifier. How is […]
Does the shape of a boat affect its buoyancy?
Does the shape of a boat affect its buoyancy? It isn’t the size or shape of an object that primarily determines buoyancy, but the relation between an object’s weight compared to the weight of the water the object displaces. This time, imagine that you have a brick or rock, something with no air trapped inside, […]
How do you know AC compressor is not working?
How do you know AC compressor is not working? If you notice your condensing unit shaking every time it turns on, the compressor is likely “hard starting” which means it’s having trouble turning on. That often happens just before it fails. Never ignore this symptom of AC compressor failure! How do I get my AC […]
How do I Analyse Apache access log?
How do I Analyse Apache access log? Interpreting the Access Log in Apache %h – The client’s IP address (the source of the access request). %l – This next entry may simply be a hyphen — that means no information was retrieved. %u – Client’s userid , if the access request required http authentication. %t […]
What is financial responsibility coverage?
What is financial responsibility coverage? The financial responsibility law is a state law that requires businesses and individuals to prove they have enough money—or assets—to cover any damages they may cause from an accident. One way to meet the financial responsibility laws is to purchase the minimum state car insurance required. What do financial responsibility […]
What are 5 examples of radiation?
What are 5 examples of radiation? Radiation Examples ultraviolet light from the sun. heat from a stove burner. visible light from a candle. x-rays from an x-ray machine. alpha particles emitted from the radioactive decay of uranium. sound waves from your stereo. microwaves from a microwave oven. electromagnetic radiation from your cell phone. What method […]