When did welding replace rivets?

When did welding replace rivets? 1945. Welding replaced riveting as the main method of assembly for ships with 5,171 vessels constructed through 1945. Are ships welded or riveted? The large groups of ships, how- ever, were made up almost entirely of Liberty Ships, T2 tankers, Victory ships and other new ships which were practically all […]

What are the advantages of interchangeability?

What are the advantages of interchangeability? Advantages of interchangeability Precise dimension is not essential, produce component within small dimension error limit. Economic oriented. Mating parts can freely replace without custom fittings like fillets. Readily available replacement component in the market. Assembly process requires lesser skill. What are two advantages of interchangeable parts? Interchangeable parts, popularized […]

What color curb means no parking in Florida?

What color curb means no parking in Florida? yellow What color curb can you not park on? Yellow: Stop only long enough to load or unload passengers. Drivers are usually required to stay with their vehicle. Red: No parking. When parking next to a curb your vehicle must be within? When you park alongside a […]

What is the process of annealing?

What is the process of annealing? Annealing is a heat treatment process which alters the microstructure of a material to change its mechanical or electrical properties. Typically, in steels, annealing is used to reduce hardness, increase ductility and help eliminate internal stresses. What is the annealing temperature of copper? 400C Can you heat treat copper? […]

How were goods produced before the factory system?

How were goods produced before the factory system? Before the factory system products were made one at a time by individual workers. The work was generally performed at a small workshop or at home. As machinery became larger and more expensive, factories formed where business owners purchased the machines and hired workers to run them. […]

Do valve springs close the valves?

Do valve springs close the valves? The main function of valve springs is to keep the valves closed to build up engine compression. The second function is to maintain specific pressure on all moving parts to follow the camshaft lobe. So, the camshaft, pushrods, lifters, and rocker arms, do all the work in opening the […]

What is the period of the orbit of your star?

What is the period of the orbit of your star? When describing orbits of binary stars, the orbital period is usually referred to as just the period. For example, Jupiter has a sidereal period of 11.86 years while the main binary star Alpha Centauri AB has a period of about 79.91 years. What is the […]

Why does diesel engine have a higher compression ratio?

Why does diesel engine have a higher compression ratio? Diesel engines use higher compression ratios than petrol engines, because the lack of a spark plug means that the compression ratio must increase the temperature of the air in the cylinder sufficiently to ignite the diesel using compression ignition. How much compression does a diesel engine […]

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