Is a zero after a decimal significant? The number 0 has one significant figure. Therefore, any zeros after the decimal point are also significant. Example: 0.00 has three significant figures. Any numbers in scientific notation are considered significant. What is the rule for showing zeros to the right of the decimal point? Scientific notation, sometimes […]
How does a kangaroo move?
How does a kangaroo move? The kangaroo moves by hopping. They hop on their powerful hind legs and use their tails for balance and for steering. Even though kangaroos jump with their legs moving together, they are able to kick each leg separately when swimming. A Red Kangaroo can leap as far as 25 feet […]
Where we can use IR sensor?
Where we can use IR sensor? Infrared technology is found not just in industry, but also in every-day life. Televisions, for example, use an infrared detector to interpret the signals sent from a remote control. Passive Infrared sensors are used for motion detection systems, and LDR sensors are used for outdoor lighting systems. Is IR […]
Which process in sheet metal is used for producing fluid tight joints?
Which process in sheet metal is used for producing fluid tight joints? To produce joints using the metal sheets ,we mainly use the welding method. And to produce,fluid tight joints we use a special type of joint,known as the seam welding. In this special type of welding the electricity is used instead of gas torch,to […]
What is hydraulic boundary layer?
What is hydraulic boundary layer? The fluid velocity varies from zero at the solid surface to the velocity of free stream flow at a certain distance away from the solid surface. This thin layer of changing velocity has been called the hydrodynamic boundary layer; a concept first suggested by Ludwig Prandtl in the year 1904. […]
What is the difference between a datum and a datum feature?
What is the difference between a datum and a datum feature? A datum feature is a part feature (or FOS), that contacts a datum during measurement. A datum is a theoretically exact plane (or axis or center-plane), from which dimensional measurement should be made. During measurement, the datum feature will contact the simulated datum which […]
How do you calculate resin ion exchange volume?
What is ug L in ppb?
How do you calculate rpm thrust?
How do you calculate rpm thrust? Given a rotational speed of 10,000 rpm, the calculation goes as follows: Power=0.015X103.2=24 W. The next step is to determine the thrust produced by a propeller. Equation 2 gives thrust based on the Momentum Theory. How do you calculate propeller RPM? The best way to determine the RPM of […]
Does temperature change during adiabatic process?
Does temperature change during adiabatic process? An adiabatic process has a change in temperature but no heat flow. The isothermal process has no change in temperature but has heat flow. Why does temperature drop in adiabatic process? An adiabatic process is one that occurs without transfer of heat or matter between a thermodynamic system and […]