What is the formula for spindle speed? The following equation is used to cal-culate spindle speed: rpm = sfm ÷ diame-ter × 3.82, where diameter is the cutting tool diameter or the part diameter on a lathe in inches, and 3.82 is a constant that comes from an algebraic simplifica-tion of the more complex formula: […]
How much power is generated from a coal fired power station?
How much power is generated from a coal fired power station? There is 2,460 kWh of electricity generated per ton of coal. A standard 500 megawatt coal power plant produces 3.5 billion kWh per year, which is enough energy to power 4 million light bulbs all year. To power most of a household’s electrical appliances […]
What force causes a boat to float?
Does Iran have a powerful military?
Does Iran have a powerful military? In terms of overall military strength, the Iranian armed forces rank 14th in the world out of 137 countries that are ranked in 2019 by Global Firepower and Business Insider. With some 523,000 active-duty forces and another 350,000 reserves, Iran has the largest standing military in the Middle East. […]
What is meant by coefficient of thermal conductivity?
What is meant by coefficient of thermal conductivity? The coefficient of thermal conductivity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat that flows in one second across the opposite faces of a unit cube whose faces are kept at a temperature difference of 1∘C. What is the formula of coefficient of thermal conductivity? […]
How do you find the radius of a circle squared?
What is the job of subject matter expert?
What is the job of subject matter expert? What are the subject matter expert’s responsibilities? In general, the responsibility of the SME is to ensure the facts and details are correct so that the project’s/program’s deliverable(s) will meet the needs of the stakeholders, legislation, policies, standards, and best practices. What is a subject matter expert […]
Which of the following should a speaker assume about his or her audience when giving an informative speech?
Which of the following should a speaker assume about his or her audience when giving an informative speech? Do not overestimate what the audience knows. Which of the following should a speaker assume about his or her audience when giving an informative speech? They know very little, if anything, about the subject. During her speech […]
What is the value of Reynolds number when the flow of liquid in a tube is I laminar or turbulent?
What is a polymer coating?
What is a polymer coating? Polymer coatings are thin layers of polymer applied to either flat substrates or irregular objects. Polymeric coatings can be functional (adhesives, photographic films), protective (anticorrosion), or decorative (paint). They are also used to modify surfaces (paper coatings, hydrophobic coatings). Which polymer is used for protective coating? Epoxy polymers Is polymer […]