Are there traffic lights on limited access highways?

Are there traffic lights on limited access highways? Being limited access highways, interstates do not have traffic lights except on rare occasions. What does a limited access highway mean? A limited-access road, known by various terms worldwide, including limited-access highway, dual-carriageway, expressway, and partial controlled access highway, is a highway or arterial road for high-speed […]

What is the purpose of reheat cycle Mcq?

What is the purpose of reheat cycle Mcq? Explanation: Reheat cycle is worked with rankine cycle to remove the moisture from the steam. What is Reheat Rankine Cycle? Reheating is a method of improving Rankine cycle efficiency which consists of inter-stage heating of the expanding steam. After the first stage of expansion which typically reduces […]

What is fouling factor in heat exchanger?

What is fouling factor in heat exchanger? The fouling factor represents the theoretical resistance to heat flow due to a build-up of a layer of dirt or other fouling substance on the tube surfaces of the heat exchanger, but they are often overstated by the end user in an attempt to minimise the frequency of […]

What is quality and quantity?

What is quality and quantity? Quality is a measure of excellence or of a state of being. It describes something, either of how it was made, or how if is as compared to others. Quantity, on the other hand, is the extent, size, or sum of something. It is countable or measurable, and can be […]

Are sparks dangerous?

Are sparks dangerous? Sometimes, sparks can be dangerous. They can cause fires and burn skin. Lightning is an example of an electric spark in nature, while electric sparks, large or small, occur in or near many man-made objects, both by design and sometimes by accident. Are sparks from a grinder dangerous? A large amount of […]

Why would a designer choose to use an isometric sketch rather than a perspective sketch to share their idea with a design team member?

Why would a designer choose to use an isometric sketch rather than a perspective sketch to share their idea with a design team member? Designers choose to use an isometric sketch because it is more accurate than perspective drawings and makes the design look more professional. Isometric sketches are much easier to handle because the […]

How can we reduce road accidents in India?

How can we reduce road accidents in India? Reducing speed limits, minimising the number of straight crossings at crossroads by introducing U-turns, wherever possible to eliminate signal jumping, making compulsory use of helmets, seat belts and child restraints, prohibiting the use of mobiles and drunk driving, increasing visibility on the road by way of … […]

Does lung volume increase with exercise?

Does lung volume increase with exercise? When you exercise and your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide. To cope with this extra demand, your breathing has to increase from about 15 times a minute (12 litres of air) when you are resting, up to about 40–60 times a […]

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