What are the groups of living things?

What are the groups of living things? Living things can be grouped into five main groups called kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, Protoctista and Monera. The last two are made up of micro- organisms, which are often called microbes, such as bacteria. What are all living things in an area called? An ecosystem is a biological […]

What does P controller do?

What does P controller do? In the proportional control algorithm, the controller output is proportional to the error signal, which is the difference between the setpoint and the process variable. In other words, the output of a proportional controller is the multiplication product of the error signal and the proportional gain. Why PID controller is […]

What is sampling in ADC?

What is sampling in ADC? The sample rate for an ADC is defined as the number of output samples available per unit time and is specified as samples per second (SPS). Two aspects of sample rate that must be considered when selecting an ADC for a particular application are the minimum sample rate and maximum […]

What is the reliability of the system?

What is the reliability of the system? What is reliability? Reliability is the probability that a system performs correctly during a specific time duration. During this correct operation: No repair is required or performed. How do you determine reliability of a system? ×Fn(t) = ΠFj(t) . Reliability is complementary to probability of failure, i.e. R(t) […]

What shape boat holds the most weight?

What shape boat holds the most weight? Wide, flat-bottomed boats will hold the most weight. How do boats hold so much weight? If the boat weighs less than the maximum volume of water it could ever push aside (displace), it floats. But it sinks into the water until its weight and the upthrust exactly balance. […]

What factors could affect a catapult?

What factors could affect a catapult? What Variables Affects Catapult Accuracy? Distance from the fulcrum. Force behind launch. Today’s Objective: Weight of the Projectile. Angle of Release (pull back) pullback = launch time. Durability of Construction. Accuracy vs. Precision. How does the angle of a catapult affect the distance? The angle at which the throwing […]

How do you determine a two-point perspective?

How do you determine a two-point perspective? Step One: Define the horizon line and the vanishing points. Step Two: Draw the corner of the object in between the vanishing points. Step Three: Draw lines from each end of the corner to each of the vanishing points. Step Four: Draw parallel, vertical lines to indicate where […]

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