IS NULL string accepted in Moore machine?

IS NULL string accepted in Moore machine? Statement 1: Null string is accepted in Moore Machine. Explanation: Even ε, when passed as an input to Moore machine produces an output. 5. The total number of states and transitions required to form a moore machine that will produce residue mod 3. Which of the following is […]

Is a process that is internally reversible and adiabatic necessarily isentropic explain?

Is a process that is internally reversible and adiabatic necessarily isentropic explain? 6. Is a process that is internally reversible and adiabatic necessarily isentropic? Yes, because an internally reversible, adiabatic process involves no irreversibilities or heat transfer. Is adiabatic and isentropic process the same? Yes. Adiabatic means there is no heat transfer into or out […]

How does Coriolis flow meter measure density?

How does Coriolis flow meter measure density? measures mass flow and density In a Coriolis meter, the material to be measured passes through one or more oscillating tubes; the rate at which mass flows affects the oscillation of the tubes, and from this both mass flow and density can be determined. What is Coriolis principle […]

When would you use a quasi-experimental design?

When would you use a quasi-experimental design? However, unlike a true experiment, a quasi-experiment does not rely on random assignment. Instead, subjects are assigned to groups based on non-random criteria. Quasi-experimental design is a useful tool in situations where true experiments cannot be used for ethical or practical reasons. Why do researchers choose to use […]

What are the 4 types of fire?

What are the 4 types of fire? Classes of fire Class A – fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper or textiles. Class B – fires involving flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel or oils. Class C – fires involving gases. Class D – fires involving metals. Class E – fires involving live electrical […]

Is lean only for manufacturing?

Is lean only for manufacturing? Lean manufacturing is a body of knowledge used to continuously improve processes and deliver value to customers. It has a lot of overlap with industrial engineering and quality engineering, but it is not only for engineers and it is not only for manufacturing. What are lean practices? Lean is defined […]

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