What will happen to potato in salt water? If the salt concentration in the cup is higher than inside the potato cells, water moves out of the potato into the cup. This leads to shrinkage of the potato cells, which explains why the potato strips get smaller in length and diameter. How does temperature affect […]
Which RAM is non volatile?
Which RAM is non volatile? RAM(Random Access Memory) is an example of volatile memory. ROM(Read Only Memory) is an example of non-volatile memory. 5. In volatile memory, data can be easily transferred in comparison to non-volatile memory. Why ROM is non volatile memory? ROM that is read only memory is non volatile because all the […]
What is stewardship?
What is stewardship? 1 : the office, duties, and obligations of a steward. 2 : the conducting, supervising, or managing of something especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care stewardship of natural resources. What is stewardship in your own words? Stewardship is taking care of something like a large […]
Which energy is converted into which energy?
Which energy is converted into which energy? Chemical Energy is converted to Electrical Energy (stove), Kinetic Energy (car), Electricity (power plant), and Mechanical Energy (space shuttle). Electrical Energy is converted to Kinetic Energy. Electricity is converted to Light (light bulb) and Sound and Light (TV). How is energy converted into work? Energy is the fundamental […]
Which of the following two ASL signs incorporated the same letter into their sign?
Which of the following two ASL signs incorporated the same letter into their sign? The two American Sign Language (ASL) signs that incorporate the same letter into their sign are sorry and aunt because they are both made by using the letter “A.” What do the signs for in law nephew and divorced have in […]
What is the transformer input current if the transformer has a primary voltage of 480V a secondary voltage of 240V and an output current of 20 amps?
What is the transformer input current if the transformer has a primary voltage of 480V a secondary voltage of 240V and an output current of 20 amps? Transformer input current = 10A if the transformer has a primary voltage of 480V, a secondary voltage of 240V and an output current of 20 A. How do […]
How is laminar flow measured?
How is laminar flow measured? Understanding differential pressure-based laminar flow measurement Q = (P1-P2)πr4/8ηL. Q = Volumetric flow rate. P1 = Static pressure at the inlet. Q = K(ΔP)/η Mass = Volume * Density Correction Factor. ρa/ρs = Ts/Ta ρa = Density at flow conditions. ρa/ρs = Pa/Ps ρa = Density at flow conditions. What […]
When more air enters the Spraybooth than exits it is called?
When more air enters the Spraybooth than exits it is called? When more air enters the spraybnooth than exits it is called: Positive pressure. Semi-crossdraft is not a type of: Spraybooth. Technician A says that the paint cup on a siphon feed spray gun is located on top of the spray gun body. How do […]
How can you reduce the risk of hydroplaning?
How can you reduce the risk of hydroplaning? 5 tips to avoid hydroplaning Slow down. You’ll reduce the risk of hydroplaning by slowing down when it rains or you suspect there are puddles on the road. Avoid using cruise control on wet roads. Avoid ruts. Monitor tire wear. Avoid puddles. Avoid splashing pedestrians. What are […]
What is considered heavy construction?
What is considered heavy construction? heavy construction means construction other than building construction; e.g., highway or street, sewer and pipeline, railroad, communication and power line, flood con- trol, irrigation, marine, etc. What is considered construction equipment? heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing construction tasks, most frequently, ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as, […]