Which golf club has the most loft?

Which golf club has the most loft? lob wedge What club has more loft and will make the ball go higher? Wedges Do all 7 irons have the same loft? A traditional 7 iron loft is 35 degrees, however some higher handicap irons in recent years have been pushing that loft lower and lower. For […]

How do you use the fact of the matter is?

How do you use the fact of the matter is? —used to emphasize a statement that follows She thinks she knows what she’s talking about, but the fact of the matter is, she’s wrong. What matter fact means? : adhering to the unembellished facts also : being plain, straightforward, or unemotional. What is truth simple? […]

Can you download FaceTime on Android?

Can you download FaceTime on Android? Unfortunately, it is restricted to the community of iOS users. There is no FaceTime app for Android phones, and there is no way to FaceTime with an Android user. Can you download FaceTime videos? FaceTime wasn’t the first video calling app but it may be the most well-known and […]

What will Epoxy not stick to?

What will Epoxy not stick to? Epoxy resin adhesives will bond all woods, aluminum and glass well. It does not bond to Teflon, polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, or Mylar. It bonds poorly to polyvinyl chloride, acrylic and polycarbonate plastics. The only way to tell if an epoxy will bond to a material is to try it. […]

How do you know if ibuprofen is expired?

How do you know if ibuprofen is expired? Drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. On over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, the expiration date is often printed on the label or carton under “EXP” (see photo) or stamped without ink into the bottom of a bottle, carton, or the crimp of a […]

How much does MetroPCS cost?

How much does MetroPCS cost? For individuals or couples, the $50/mo. plan is probably your best bet. Not only will you get unlimited data (including 5GB of mobile hotspot data), but you’ll also get a 100GB subscription to Google One if you have an Android device. For families who need four or more lines, the […]

What happens when you have a bad fuse box?

What happens when you have a bad fuse box? Loose fuses Another symptom of a bad or failing fuse box is loose fuses. A damaged terminal with a loose fuse may cause electrical problems such as sudden, intermittent power loss to certain accessories or lights. How long does it take to replace fuse box? The […]

Can I get braces if my teeth are weak?

Can I get braces if my teeth are weak? Therefore before getting your braces, if your teeth aren’t sufficiently strong and have cavities, you have to get them treated. This is simply because having braces on weak teeth will create more dental problems such as cracks or fractures which will ultimately lead to tooth loss. […]

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