When can you breed Flemish Giants?

When can you breed Flemish Giants? 7 months How long are Flemish Giants pregnant for? The gestation period is between 28–31 days. On average they give birth at 30–32 days. The Flemish Giant rabbit can produce large litters, usually between 5 and 12 in a litter. How often can you breed Flemish Giants? 2-3x per […]

What is the best age to breed a horse?

What is the best age to breed a horse? Generally, assuming a filly is healthy and on a good plan of nutrition, she can be bred as early as two years of age, although many breeders suggest waiting until three years of age. Mares can continue to produce foals well into their late teens or […]

How many diapers does a toddler use?

How many diapers does a toddler use? Note: DIAPER SIZE WEIGHT DAILY USE Size 1 8–14 lbs. 8–10 diapers per day Size 2 12–18 lbs. 8–9 diapers per day Size 3 16–28 lbs. 6–7 per day Size 4 22–37 lbs. 5–7 per day How many diapers does an average child go through? On average, a […]

Why is Harmony Day celebrated in Australia?

Why is Harmony Day celebrated in Australia? There’s little doubt that Australia is one of the most culturally diverse nations on the planet. Harmony Day, which is observed each year on March 21, celebrates this diversity, aiming to foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make a valuable contribution […]

What GCSEs do you need to be a scientist?

What GCSEs do you need to be a scientist? To do a biomedical science degree, you will usually need five GCSEs (A-C) including maths and English, plus three A levels, preferably including biology and chemistry. What qualifications do I need to be a nanny? You will need to be qualified in first aid. Check your […]

Do tires expand when hot?

Do tires expand when hot? Even on not-so-humid days, high temperatures cause the air molecules inside your tires to vibrate and push against the walls of the tires, causing them to expand. When tires are hot during a long drive you should let out enough air to reduce the pressure to the recommended amount? Using […]

Is Donkey Kong 64 bad?

Is Donkey Kong 64 bad? Donkey Kong 64 is a pretty divisive game, with the most common complaint among critics being “too much collecting!” While the game overdoes it with the collectables, its issues run deeper than that. Collecting “stuff” at its core isn’t a horrible gameplay concept, and—sometimes! —it’s fun to do in DK64. […]

Does drinking water help you build muscle?

Does drinking water help you build muscle? But what’s often overlooked amongst the crowded list of healthy habits is water consumption. A vital nutrient that makes up two-thirds of our body, water is crucial to building and developing strong muscles. Why is drinking water important for muscle? Drinking water or sports drink is essential to […]

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