What kind of reaction occurs when chemicals enter the bloodstream? A “systemic” reaction occurs when chemicals enter the bloodstream through the skin, eyes, mouth, or lungs. What is it called when a chemical enters the bloodstream? Injection is the fourth way chemicals may enter the body. While uncommon in most workplaces, it can occur when […]
What is your employer required to have on fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet quizlet?
What is your employer required to have on fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet quizlet? Your employer is required to have ladder safety or personal fall arrest systems for fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet, and any worker ascending these ladders must be a qualified climber with additional training. What is […]
What is the importance of sensor in vehicle?
What is the importance of sensor in vehicle? Sensors monitor vehicle engines, fuel consumption and emissions, along with aiding and protecting drivers and passengers. These allow car manufacturers to launch cars that are safer, more fuel efficient and comfortable to drive. Why are sensors important to robots? Sensors in robot allow it to react with […]
What is the process of polymerization?
What is the process of polymerization? Polymerization is the process to create polymers. These polymers are then processed to make various kinds of plastic products. During polymerization, smaller molecules, called monomers or building blocks, are chemically combined to create larger molecules or a macromolecule. What type of reaction is polymerization? Polymerization reactions are chain reactions, […]
What is the Ascii code for the letter A?
How far should cable splices be from the electrode holder?
How far should cable splices be from the electrode holder? 10 feet When arc welding make sure there are no cable splices within 10 of the work? The welding electrode holders must be connected to machines with flexible cables for welding application. Use only insulated electrode holders and cables. There can be no splices in […]
How does environmental regulation affect the economy?
How does environmental regulation affect the economy? Environmental regulations, intended to protect human health and the environment, generally result in higher production costs and lower productivity in firms, which can lead them to shift investment and production to less stringent locations. How do environmental protection laws affect businesses? Environmental regulations can reduce employment and productivity […]
What are the 3 types of framing for wood structures?
What are the 3 types of framing for wood structures? There are three principal types of framing for light structures: western, balloon, and braced. Figure 6-1, page 6-2, illustrates these types of framing and specifies the nomenclature and location of the various members. How do you create a building structure? Procedure of Structural Design STEP […]
How does increasing the molecular weight of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength?
How does increasing the molecular weight of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength? (a) The tensile strength of a semicrystalline polymer increases with increasing molecular weight. This effect is explained by increased chain entanglements at higher molecular weights. How does deformation by drawing of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength decreases increases? Deformation […]
What happened to the soldiers at Abu Ghraib?
What happened to the soldiers at Abu Ghraib? Eleven U.S. soldiers have been convicted of crimes stemming from detainee abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq: Cardona was sentenced to 90 days of hard labor with no prison time, a reduced in rank one grade to specialist and forfeiture of $600 a month for […]