How can the motion of fluids be described?

How can the motion of fluids be described? There are two ways to describe the fluid motion. One is called Lagrangian, where one follows all fluid particles and describes the variations around each fluid particle along its trajectory. The other is Eulerian, where the variations are described at all fixed stations as a function of […]

What are the three parts of a lamp?

What are the three parts of a lamp? Parts of a light bulb: the glass globe, the metal filament, wires and glass stem, gases and metal base. What are parts of a lamp? Parts of a Table Lamp (top to bottom): Lock: Locks the lampshade in place. Lampshade fitting: structural frame for the lampshade. Lampshade: […]

Is ammonia heavier than air?

Is ammonia heavier than air? Anhydrous ammonia gas is lighter than air and will rise, so that generally it dissipates and does not settle in low-lying areas. However, in the presence of moisture (such as high relative humidity), the liquefied anhydrous ammonia gas forms vapors that are heavier than air. Do ammonia fumes rise? Most […]

Why does oxygen have a charge?

Why does oxygen have a charge? Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon which attracts the electrons to them usually giving it a negative charge. How will an atom get a charge of +2? A normal atom has a neutral charge with equal numbers of positive and negative particles. Ions are atoms with extra electrons or […]

How does an air powered car work?

How does an air powered car work? For compressed-air cars, the power plant’s electricity is transmitted to a compressor, which mechanically compresses the air into the car’s tank. The car’s engine then converts the compressed air to mechanical energy. What energy does wind have? kinetic energy Is there a car that runs on air? In […]

What are the forms of iron ore?

What are the forms of iron ore? Iron ore mining methods vary by the type of ore being mined. There are four main types of iron ore deposits worked currently, depending on the mineralogy and geology of the ore deposits. These are magnetite, titanomagnetite, massive hematite and pisolitic ironstone deposits. What are the 4 types […]

What happens when you disconnect an inductor?

What happens when you disconnect an inductor? When your inductor is suddenly disconnected from its source, the inductor now becomes the source and it wants to keep the current flowing in the same direction it was going; ie the current does not reverse! You can see this visually by connecting a scope across the inductor. […]

How much can someone with a professional degree expect to earn compared to someone with a high school diploma?

How much can someone with a professional degree expect to earn compared to someone with a high school diploma? According to the Census Bureau, over an adult’s working life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; associate’s degree holders earn about $1.6 million, earning them $400,000 more than someone with just a highschool […]

Why are composite materials used in aircraft?

Why are composite materials used in aircraft? The use of composite materials in commercial transport aircraft is attractive because reduced airframe weight enables better fuel economy and therefore lowers operating costs. Composites enabled a 20 percent saving in weight along with a lower production time and improved damage tolerance. What are the disadvantages of composites? […]

What is the best method to avoid buffer overflows?

What is the best method to avoid buffer overflows? Writing secure code is the best way to prevent buffer overflow vulnerabilities. When programs are written in languages that are susceptible to buffer overflow vulnerabilities, developers must be aware of risky functions and avoid using them wherever possible. What are the two ways to prevent buffer […]

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