How do I set up mobile banking app?

How do I set up mobile banking app? A stepwise guide on mobile banking development Conduct research and make a plan. The preliminary stage is very important and shouldn’t be skipped at any costs. Create a prototype. Make a graphic design. Choose a technology stack. Develop and test. Market your app and get feedback. Improve […]

Which factor is affecting the heat transfer coefficient in heat convection?

Which factor is affecting the heat transfer coefficient in heat convection? Heat transfer coefficient depends on both the thermal properties of a medium, the hydrodynamic characteristics of its flow, and the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary conditions. What does the convective heat transfer coefficient depend on? Accordingly, the convection heat transfer coefficient depends on (1) the […]

How is LRU page replacement algorithm implemented?

How is LRU page replacement algorithm implemented? C program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm Declare the size. Get the number of pages to be inserted. Get the value. Declare counter and stack. Select the least recently used page by counter value. Stack them according the selection. Display the values. Stop the process. What are […]

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